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Minutes Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> June 3, 2009 <br /> August 6, 2009 <br /> things and there is only money for 12 and the decision will have to be made of what is <br /> critical . It is unfortunate, but it is the County Commissioners' job . <br /> Wilson states that one additional comment to follow up on Linda' s concern is the <br /> BOCC has already determined that once a site has been selected a citizens advisory <br /> committee of the neighbors surrounding that will have substantive role in <br /> nities, mitigation for noise and traffic . Once the <br /> determining how it is developed, ame <br /> decision has been made for the site, staff will move to formulate that committee and <br /> get them working before the facility is even designed . <br /> Norwood states that we must be absolutely sure that the County is who will dictate <br /> what we request, what Gayle was saying, because if Chapel Hill, because we are on <br /> Chapel Hill ' s property, if we are under their jurisdiction might as well not have the <br /> meeting because they are going to do what they want regardless of what the <br /> committee says . <br /> Yuhasz states that the County is in charge of this . I would like to express my <br /> appreciation to the SWAB and all the people that have been involved in looking at all <br /> these issues for much longer than I have . I think the Commissioners and the county <br /> can' t express enough their appreciation for the work that this group does . <br /> 4 . Programs/Services Update <br /> Solar Tech South — Interest in Solar Photovoltaic Project at Landfill Pollock states that the <br /> Economic Development department indicated that there was a company based in <br /> Orange County that wanted to create a photovoltaic solar electric generating array <br /> somewhere in Orange County - the direct conversion of sunlight to electricity . We <br /> indicated as the landfill there might be some land that would be suitable - the closed <br /> C &D landfill . The footprint of the site is about 11 acres . They came out with <br /> Economic Development to look at it and determined that about 3 . 5 acres is suitable for <br /> their type of application. <br /> There are two things about this project that are exciting and interesting . One is that <br /> the County has chosen an economic development strategy to attract a solar cluster . <br /> The interesting piece is that there are very few compatible uses for closed landfill <br /> sites . They can ' t bear a lot of traffic or buildings with foundations that have to <br /> penetrate the cap . A project like this, which wouldn ' t generate any people traffic, is <br /> just about as ideal as it gets . <br /> We have continued to work with Economic Development and Solar Tech South . On <br /> the 16th they will be coming to the Commissioners with a brief presentation . It is not <br /> obvious how the economics will work for the project but they look pretty sound in <br /> general with the respect to the development of electricity and the sale of electricity <br /> from the site . <br /> 16 <br />