SWAB minutes 060309
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Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 060309
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Last modified
1/14/2019 4:41:51 PM
Creation date
1/14/2019 4:40:59 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> June 3, 2009 <br /> August 6, 2009 <br /> A decision has not been made by me or the Commissioners to this point, but I think <br /> we are in a different economic situation now and I stress that we are in a different <br /> economic situation going forward than we were two years ago . I think economics will <br /> weigh more heavily now than had this decision been finalized at that point. . <br /> Sassaman states that ultimately I don' t see it as an economic issue . I think taking <br /> particularly what Bonnie has said into account we have an opportunity to save some <br /> money if we were to go to Millhouse Rd . as opposed to the Hwy 54 site, but it would <br /> be difficult for me to save that money and put it in our pockets . That money, as <br /> Mayor Foy said, should go to improving the communities that are directly impacted <br /> by what we are doing . If the Commissioners decide to so with Millhouse or some <br /> nearby site it behooves them to make a very definite commitment to the <br /> neighborhood that is affected . Something that is measurable and quantifiable and the <br /> outcomes can be determined . <br /> Yuhasz states that there was a discussion about that and I believe a resolution was <br /> adopted as how we were going to go forward with Rogers Rd . Task Force that would <br /> be made of up of Orange County, Chapel Hill, Carrboro and involve Rogers Rd . <br /> citizens to discuss how we are going to provide those services . I think that is <br /> something in the minds of the commissioners . I didn ' t mean to say that economics <br /> was the [most important factor] but it is important that we have the resources to do all <br /> the things that we would like to do so I think we should be careful where we spend <br /> the money so that we can spend our money where it is going to do the most good . <br /> Sassaman states that the money needs to stay in the county . <br /> Borwerman states that I know you mentioned the Rogers Rd . Task Force and I know <br /> that Millhouse didn' t really get a lot of say in that but if we put this up near there I <br /> again want to put in for them because obviously they are the ones that will be bearing <br /> the brunt of this and they are not a big part of that task force so it' s not just of the task <br /> force it may have to enlarge from what Chapel Hill decided who should be on there . <br /> The other thing is ' as we say it' s saving money' I think the entire county looks at this <br /> area as where garbage should go . I think odds are the transfer station will probably <br /> go here but if it does it should be made clear to the county what the people in the area <br /> are putting up with and how they are contributing, what money they are saving the <br /> county — the impact on the people you are putting it on. <br /> Vickers states the garbage will be transferred out of there . And now that the County is <br /> talking about cutting off the longevity for long-term employees, they are discussing a <br /> forced retirement program for older employees, they are talkmi g about furloughs -we <br /> do have major financial issues in the county . It will come down to needing to do 18 <br /> 15 <br />
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