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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> June 3, 2009 <br /> August 6, 2009 <br /> station just by the virtue of the need to have it close to the garbage centroid . People <br /> generate garbage . If you are going to put your garbage facility near the generation <br /> point, logic tells you it is going to be near people . That is going to be the problem . <br /> I guess the Commissioners, since they are that elected group to solve the problem, <br /> they are going to have to decide what group of people are going to — whose ox they <br /> are going to gore . I ' ll go back to what we said a couple of years ago, whatever we do <br /> we try to mitigate the effects on the people in whatever way we can and that would be <br /> unique . It would depend on the specific needs of the communities . <br /> One of the things here is we have the railroad . There might be something that can be <br /> done there to reduce the impacts if we were to build there . The main thing that <br /> bothers me with what I know now but the fact is I would probably say that for about <br /> every single site we would pick . <br /> Doses that pretty much capture the consensus ? <br /> Norwood states that no other site selection has the history we have here and I think <br /> that is the trump . <br /> Yuhasz states that up to this point this has been surprisingly fairly easy decision for <br /> me . Once I was convinced that we needed to have a waste transfer station, I to this <br /> point had only one choice and that was site 56 . All the decisions that were made <br /> concerning the waste transfer station were made before I came on board . The only <br /> decision I had to make was which of the three essentially identical sites on [Hwy] 54 <br /> we were going to look at. <br /> Bringing this site forward now makes what had been a fairly easy decision much <br /> more difficult for me . There actually is a decision now to be made if the <br /> Commissioners are going to decide this . I did say when we were discussing this at <br /> the work session the economic impact and the overall environmental impact is <br /> something that as a representative of the entire county I have to be concerned about <br /> those issues . Someone said to me early on, " It doesn' t matter where you put it <br /> because wherever you put it those folks are going to be mad at you . " I think that is <br /> true from a certain standpoint that there is no way to site a waste transfer station that <br /> is going to make everybody happy . <br /> I will consider this and I will consider the effect this has on these neighbors and the <br /> effect it will have on other neighbors but I think I have to also factor into that the <br /> economic cost to the county has a whole both initially and over the long term . I think <br /> that is going to be the tough part to weight those different factors . <br /> 14 <br />