SWAB minutes 060309
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Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 060309
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Last modified
1/14/2019 4:41:51 PM
Creation date
1/14/2019 4:40:59 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> June 3, 2009 <br /> August 6, 2009 <br /> Sallach states that you could look for habitat, then you could look for the species itself <br /> or you could evolve an environmental evaluation that looks at that. <br /> Sassaman asks Steve what the Board would like from us . <br /> Yuhasz states that the Board has not discussed what we ' d like specifically from the <br /> SWAB . We will be looking at the evaluation we will get from Olver . I think we ' ll <br /> consider the SWAB ' s reaction to the evaluation and whether the SWAB thinks this is a <br /> viable site from the technical standpoint and the things the SWAB considers in <br /> evaluating the sites . I don' t think we are looking for you to say " Yes this is the site or <br /> No this isn' t the site " . Just an overall feel that this is a site that would function <br /> appropriately for the purposes we need to have a waste transfer site and any other <br /> factors that you think would be in addition to or complement the overall Olver <br /> evaluation . <br /> Sassaman asks have you gotten some of that from our discussion. <br /> Yuhasz replies I think I have . Particularly Bonnie ' s concerns about [if] this fits in with <br /> the overall Rogers Rd . - Eubanks Rd . sphere is something we will have to consider . <br /> Some of the other things that I wasn ' t aware of like the fact that the railroad [track <br /> line] is elevated and that there are some existing potential mitigating factors that the <br /> impact might not be as great as when you look at it on a flat piece of paper . <br /> Sassaman asks is there anything that the SWAB would like to convey through Steve . <br /> Vickers states that from a technical standpoint it fits the criteria for a site to lower the <br /> carbon impact. It is adjacent to Chapel Hill ' s industrially zoned areas for the county <br /> it' s mostly farm area out there . You can' t locate a site that doesn ' t have neighbors <br /> somewhere and I think this has some advantages in the fact that there is [are] barriers <br /> and they can be improved if you want to . <br /> Smith states that this site would be attractive to the Town of Hillsborough for cost for <br /> two things . Cost of driving from Hillsborough to it and unloading and getting back <br /> home . It would be very attractive to Hillsborough . <br /> Norwood states that being on both sides of the fence and having a lot of information <br /> about how appropriate this site might be, I still have to go with the history and the <br /> promises to the neighborhood because I am their representative . <br /> Bowerman states that I have a hard time getting past the fact that it butts up against <br /> the same people who had the landfill in their backyard the whole time but it has good <br /> points too . <br /> 12 <br />
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