SWAB minutes 060309
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 060309
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Last modified
1/14/2019 4:41:51 PM
Creation date
1/14/2019 4:40:59 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> June 3, 2009 <br /> August 6, 2009 <br /> Norwood states that now that it feels that this is winding down I have to come out of <br /> my neighborhood again and say any of the sites are in the Millhouse area and Gayle, <br /> and I and Reverend Campbell made two maps . One was what Rev . Campbell <br /> considered, and I asked him to do that because I didn ' t live here that long ago, was a <br /> large area that was considered by him and the people in the neighborhood to be the <br /> Rogers Rd . neighborhood which included Millhouse also because the loudest <br /> participation during the landfill siting process came from the neighbors of Millhouse, <br /> they supported us . We were forced to make a smaller area for compensation for <br /> landfill benefits basically for where they could do water . So from the neighborhood <br /> let me say whether it is the lower property or the upper property anything in that area <br /> the neighborhood is going to step up and say " excuse me but . . . " <br /> Bowerman asks what Bonnie said is reflected in how you are rating this site for <br /> neighborhood compensation . Do you also note that new homes are going in or does <br /> that fly under the radar ? <br /> Wilson asks if the BOCC want to know more and asks the Town whether this is truly <br /> being offered or not and the Towns says ' Yes we are going to formally lay it on the <br /> table ' , Bob do you know what additional level of evaluation would then need to take <br /> place in order to bring the BOCC to a possible decision point along with the Hwy 54 <br /> site ? <br /> Sallach states that utilities and access are the key parts . We feel that the <br /> environmental issues need to be confirmed but we don' t see red flags at this point. <br /> Wilson asks is the site a viable site if the BOCC decides not to extend water and sewer <br /> another 500 ft. to this site, even though that has been identified as a major weakness in <br /> Hwy 54 with fire protection, cleanup, etc . Would this site still work with the same <br /> development concept as the [Hwy] 54 site ? <br /> Sallach replies yes . Chapel Hill has indicated that there is already a well on site, so we <br /> do feel like there is that capability to develop a small supply but you would have to <br /> have storage as far as fire protection is concerned . You would be looking at a similar <br /> type system as Hwy 54 . We would want to confirm the soils that they perc [olate] . <br /> Generally the soils were better than what we' d seen on Hwy 54 . <br /> Norwood states that in the environmental issues is there some way to check and make <br /> sure we don' t have endangered species . I can tell the difference between a downy <br /> woodpecker and cockaded woodpecker and the one at my feeder was the cockaded <br /> and was there until they cleared land for the Habitat [for Humanity] homes . Is there <br /> some way to check to make sure we don' t have endangered species or their habitat? <br /> 11 <br />
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