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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> May 7, 2009 <br /> Approved June 3, 2009 <br /> down someone will have to come and restart it. This is not a new approach, it will <br /> serve us well as a community . UNC and we feel comfortable with it. <br /> Norwood states that it should be in writing how long it would take for this person to <br /> show up and how many backups are to that person if something happens . <br /> Spire states that if something happens the system shuts down and stops . It will have <br /> a control panel that can be read on site and off site . If the flare for the gas now shuts <br /> down, the blower automatically shuts down . <br /> Sassaman states that the system in the transportation of the gas will be similar to the <br /> residential gas system throughout Chapel Hill with the possible exception that it is <br /> going to be lower pressure and the gas coming out of the landfill will have a lower <br /> thermal energy . <br /> Yuhasz asks won' t all those questions be asked during the permitting process . <br /> Spire concurs . <br /> Sassaman states that there are certain safety standards that are required . <br /> Norwood states that previously living next door to the largest natural gas pumping <br /> station on the east coast it went boom . ' No matter what the checks and balances are, <br /> my reason for going through all this is because I do live here, a lot of the people are <br /> afraid of the gas, they don' t understand it and we all have stories of things going <br /> wrong . What I ' m asking ( especially since the Town of Chapel Hill is involved) they <br /> tell us nothing and do what they please I was hoping that we might have some <br /> control or with our commissioner here, so that neighbors know what' s going on and <br /> someone in the neighborhood to be notified if something happens - something to <br /> reassure us that we are not just going to go boom . <br /> Spire states that as the plans develop we will share them with you . As staff I don' t <br /> have anything to do with what UNC does with the Town of Chapel Hill . I take faith <br /> that UNC and the Town of Chapel Hill will do whatever is required to make sure it is <br /> safe on that end . We can make sure through our engineer that whatever is put in on <br /> our end is the highest quality and the safest system out there . I don' t think they can <br /> go forward without that. <br /> Landfill Construction Activity Spire states that we have started refilling the last outer <br /> slopes of the landfill . We are on the southeast corner of the landfill . This will gain <br /> approximately six to seven months of life for the landfill . We have built back out to <br /> the permitted grade . We have had the landfill [topography] flown again to verify the <br /> expansion that the consultants say we have gained . <br /> 12 <br />