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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> May 7, 2009 <br /> Approved June 3, 2009 <br /> the convenience centers . Some would reduce the size of their load and go once a week <br /> instead of every other week . <br /> Wilson adds there has been some abuse of the permit system . They say they need <br /> three loads when they need one and let someone else use their permit. <br /> 5 . Programs/Services Update <br /> Joint Landfill Gas Recovery Project Spire states that the project is moving forward on a <br /> fairly fast track . We have received the first preliminary draft of the installation and <br /> made our comments back to UNC . There is another meeting next Monday with UNC <br /> staff, architects, and engineers to go over the second draft that shows the proposed <br /> installation on the landfill . Once the proposed piping is agreed upon we will move <br /> on to the permitting and construction. This will hook the gas wells on the north and <br /> south sides together and getting them to a flare station on the south side of the road . <br /> Once we agree on the piping route, we will proceed on the permitting on that. There <br /> have been some good discussions between us and the Town to get the pipeline down <br /> to Homestead Road and Martin Luther King Jr . Blvd . and the duct bank down to <br /> Carolina North from there . <br /> Smith clarifies that it will transport gas to Carolina North . What will they do with it <br /> once it gets there ? <br /> Spire states that from the gen [erator] set there will be a substation and UNC is in the <br /> process of getting permission to put what they call a duct bank of high voltage power <br /> transmission line down to Carolina North where it is currently located . It is 1 , 000 <br /> kilowatts to be be generated . <br /> Smith asks if we are furnishing gas that they will use to make steam to generate <br /> electricity . <br /> Spire states that they are not looking to generate the steam yet. They are looking <br /> specifically at the generation of electricity . There has been talk about capturing the <br /> exhaust heat and doing some work with that in the local facilities that may be built <br /> around that area . It is a reciprocating engine, not a gas turbine . The generator will be <br /> at the old Duke Power facility at Homestead Road and Martin Luther King Jr . Blvd . <br /> Norwood states that with the way the world has changed recently there is a concern <br /> for security . What security measures will be on site to prevent tampering? Fences, <br /> cameras ? <br /> Spire states that this site will be heavily fenced where no one could get into it. It has <br /> multiple backup systems where it will be on an auto- dialer . If it ' hiccups; and shuts <br /> 11 <br />