SWAB minutes 040209
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 040209
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Last modified
1/14/2019 4:40:17 PM
Creation date
1/14/2019 4:39:31 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> April 2, 2009 <br /> Approved May 7, 2009 <br /> are the citizens of Orange County willing to import waste from other counties, cities <br /> and municipalities ? <br /> Sassaman states that the next item is to see if there is any additional SWAB <br /> communication to the BOCC . Do you want to make a recommendation at all about <br /> WtE ? We could make a blanket recommendation if you desire that deals with both <br /> WtE and the transfer station . <br /> Vickers states that we made a recommendation to the Board on the WtE that that is a <br /> long term option that needs to be looked at, pursued and some partnership with some <br /> other communities . <br /> Sassaman replies yes that is possible . What I ' d like to do is put those together as one <br /> grand recommendation on the WtE issue and the waste transfer station issue since we <br /> were asked to look at a dual track process . <br /> Vickers states that it would be preferred to keep those separate . I would like to <br /> reinforce the recommendation that has been made in part several times in the past in <br /> pieces that the county pursue for long term waste management an option that derives <br /> energy from the waste that we generate and to accomplish this it is recognized it is <br /> going to have to develop cooperative arrangements with other political entities to get <br /> sufficient quantity to make it economically viable . <br /> Sassaman states that that is what we recommended to them in September 2008 . We <br /> could reaffirm what we sent them then. <br /> Yuhasz states that that recommendation would be helpful if there were a time frame <br /> attached to so that the Commissioners would have an idea what kind of time frame <br /> we are looking at. <br /> Grunwald adds that a comment was made that 20 years down the road would be <br /> sticking our heads in the sand, but in retrospect I ' ve lived here for 20 years in Orange <br /> County and when I first moved here there was discussions of the danger of the <br /> landfill closing and needing to do something . I suggest separating the two issues . We <br /> admit whether we like it or not we have no choice but to make a decision to move <br /> forward on whatever will get rid of our waste in the next couple of years, being the <br /> transfer station, but keep second to that dialog open and in a time frame moving <br /> forward on the idea of WtE in the near future . Politically considering the number of <br /> entities involved in a cooperative effort, 15 -20 years is close to the near future . <br /> Vickers states that the basic issue in any cooperative agreement is who is going to be <br /> the host. This type of facility is going to generate controversy . We can put the five <br /> years on permit and build, the uncertainty is the siting and the agreement. The <br /> 9 <br />
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