Orange County NC Website
Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> April 2, 2009 <br /> Approved May 7, 2009 <br /> Grunwald asked if the reduced size would impact the quality of recyclables processed <br /> at the transfer station . [Assuming some processing was to be done there . ] <br /> Sassaman points out that no processing was to be done at the transfer station but <br /> possibly some agglomeration and transfer of pre -sorted recyclables . <br /> Wilson notes that a smaller floor would not enable recyclables to be readily extracted <br /> from the waste but that there were bans on most readily recyclable materials in the <br /> form of scrap metal, cardboard, and clean wood waste . He adds that there was no <br /> public charge to design the transfer station for handling recyclables and that the new <br /> smaller sized station would enable a more economical design on less land to be more <br /> cost- competitive with existing private transfer stations . <br /> Sassaman asks the Board if they would like to make a resolution on Olver' s <br /> presentation and offers three options <br /> 1 . Accept the report and thank Olver . <br /> 2 . Endorse the report' s conclusions and forward to the BOCC . <br /> 3 . Reject the report' s conclusions . <br /> Sassaman then offers a draft resolution that endorses Olver' s report conclusions, <br /> recommends that the BOCC pursue development of a transfer station and <br /> recommends that they continue to consider WtE as a long-term future option. <br /> The SWAB discusses the details of the resolution and provides alternative language in <br /> some areas . Vickers proposes adding a statement to the resolution opposing use of the <br /> NC 54 sites that have been selected . The SWAB decides, partly at the suggestion of <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz, to consider the Vickers proposal separately and not as a part <br /> of the Sassaman resolution. The SWAB directs staff to redraft the resolution as they <br /> have directed and passes the resolution pending those revisions . <br /> Further discussion ensues of Vickers' request that the SWAB consider a resolution <br /> that would reconsider siting of the transfer station somewhere other than NC 54 sites <br /> already selected . The SWAB directs staff to develop a resolution to be voted on <br /> electronically . (Resolution to be distributed at May 7 SWAB meeting . It was defeated <br /> 4-2 with one abstention. ) <br /> 6 . Follow-Up - Rogers Road Water Runoff Concern <br /> There is a follow-up discussion to the disputed runoff situation that was raised by <br /> Robert Campbell at the special SWAB meeting March 31 . Campbell contended that <br /> stormwater runoff from the active C &D landfill ran south out of the landfill property <br /> 15 <br />