SWAB minutes 040209
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 040209
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Last modified
1/14/2019 4:40:17 PM
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1/14/2019 4:39:31 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> April 2, 2009 <br /> Approved May 7, 2009 <br /> Stan asks will that be posted . <br /> Wilson states that once it goes out in the packet to the Commissioners it is open to the <br /> public . <br /> Tipton states that as a citizen of Orange County I know that the SWAB doesn' t make <br /> decisions of where to site a transfer station. This is directed to those who do . What I <br /> am going to say is not going to be poplar . Some of the things that I' m hearing said in <br /> private I want to bring them out in public because I' ve heard them so many times . <br /> live in Orange County . I think putting the transfer station <br /> I' m a tax payer . I l <br /> anywhere other than where the current solid waste operations are is not financially <br /> it environmentally responsible . That said, I said that with all due <br /> responsible nor is <br /> respect to the neighbors of the Eubanks landfill, when I think about sustain ability I <br /> think about the three legged stool - environment, economics, social. The social leg I <br /> realize . is real . My question is if there is money to buy land out on Hwy 54 is there <br /> money to mitigate or address some of the issues for the communities that live near the <br /> landfill now such as hookups to water or assistantship for paying OWASA bills . I <br /> realized that we are boxed in or boxed out of Eubanks Rd as a possible facility . If the <br /> 54 site is selected for a transfer station I urge that the site be left open to what we need <br /> as a county in a waste campus . Do we need the operations out on Eubanks and the <br /> transfer station on 54? I don' t think so . I urge the decision makers not to make rash <br /> statements like there will never be a convenience center on 54 if that is the chosen <br /> location, there will never be recycling processing out there . I urge us to keep an open <br /> mind and address issues as they come . <br /> Vickers states that that we looked at the rail issue three years ago . The problem was <br /> we wouldn' t fill a rail car quick enough . We would end up storing waste wherever <br /> the transfer station was and there would be an odor problem . Rail is very efficient if <br /> you have large volumes . <br /> Staff Comments <br /> Wilson asks the consultants at the end of your presentation you mentioned the WtE <br /> facility would have to be in Orange County to obviate the need for a transfer station <br /> so how would the approximate 15 % residuals be handled without a local transfer <br /> operation. <br /> Sallach states that you would have to have a landfill for the residuals . The residuals <br /> would have to be transferred to a landfill from the WtE facility . <br /> Wilson clarifies that there would have some type of transfer operation unless you had <br /> a landfill . <br /> 13 <br />
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