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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> April 2, 2009 <br /> Approved May 7, 2009 <br /> the waste . As it has been pointed out in previous discussion you are looking at a <br /> situation in [which] the 500 to 1000 tons / day range would be the threshold . There <br /> again you would have to have a regional partner involved and accept out-of-county <br /> waste if you are trying to eliminate the need for a transfer station. The operation must <br /> be within the breakeven window . Another aspect would be that the county would <br /> have to be willing to pay a higher disposal cost than what you would see for out-of- <br /> county landfill disposal . It is generally accepted with the capacity that exists as far as <br /> landfills are concerned that is going to be the cheapest alternative for a period of time <br /> particularly when you are looking at $100 ton . <br /> The implementation of a facility is going to take a longer period of time, which is in <br /> the 15 - 20 year range if it is aggressively pursued . One option that is of interest and <br /> has been discussed is how the University fits into this . Is there a possibility that they <br /> might provide an option? Looking at the current landscape you will be competing <br /> against private sector landfill disposal capacity . <br /> When you go through the economics where is that breakeven point? if you compare <br /> the private sector cost and those cost included the off route cost as well as the tip fee <br /> then you compare that against the transfer station. The breakeven point occurs in 10 - <br /> 12 years . When you look at the available options, those available options are <br /> apparently and seem to be beyond that period of time . If you back up to the WtE and <br /> you want to be more optimistic about that, the things you would want to consider is <br /> to eliminate the need for a transfer station you will have to site the facility in Orange <br /> County as discussed . One thing that hashh t been discussed is waste flow control to <br /> make sure you have the waste stream to support that facility . <br /> One other question [is] raised by Mr . Vickers of how would these alternative compare <br /> to Eubanks Rd . The difference in cost is off route cost of taking the waste to Hwy 54 . <br /> You see the same general trends as the other alternatives . <br /> Tipton states that you show 15 -20 years for the University and I need to make clear <br /> that the University doesn t have a time frame and in no way has a crystal ball of how <br /> long it may take . <br /> Public Comments <br /> Hauser states that for the record we don t believe that this report accurately reflects <br /> the costs . We do think that any methodologies and assumptions can be used to come <br /> up with the answer you want to come up with . This methodology was designed to <br /> favor 54 . The volumes that were used were not consistent with the county reports . <br /> The models that were used for estimating were based on current operations not an <br /> operation for long distance . The distances are not consistent between the Towns e . g . <br /> Chapel Hill and Carrboro are shown having the same distance to 54, actually Chapel <br /> 11 <br />