SWAB minutes 040209
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Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 040209
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1/14/2019 4:40:17 PM
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1/14/2019 4:39:31 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> April 2, 2009 <br /> Approved May 7, 2009 <br /> agreement is probably less uncertain than getting down to the hard facts of siting a <br /> facility . It will become a political tug of war . As far as giving a time frame the issue is <br /> how aggressive [are we willing to be] and the political will to go forward with that <br /> effort. <br /> Sassaman states that in playing around with a draft recommendation to work as a <br /> straw man . What I thought would be a good place to put it is at the end of the two <br /> discussions because it ties in both the WtE and the waste transfer station and then <br /> makes separate recommendations with an implied time line . <br /> Guild states that with continuing to pursue getting information from the plasma arc <br /> technology folks in the Pacific northwest which is a facility that I visited, I brought <br /> some slag that comes out of that furnace process that is essentially glass . There is no <br /> doubt to make something like this economically feasible you would have to have <br /> communities coming together in agreement to make this work . The problem with this <br /> stuff is, because it is like glass, it can be sharp . I believe this [sample] waste was F109, <br /> a hazardous waste . I' ve been in contact with them and expect to get some numbers at <br /> some point which I will share with Gayle so that we can at least look at it and make it <br /> part of the discussion . <br /> 5 . Transfer Station hauling and disposal Cost Analysis Sallach states that I wanted to <br /> follow up on a couple of questions that had been raised, the economics of the transfer <br /> station, the need for the transfer station and how it fits into an overall long term plan <br /> from an economic stand point. In looking at an economic breakeven analysis it is <br /> based on the economic pro4ormas that we previously prepared for the transfer <br /> station as it relates to direct hauling waste to a private sector transfer / disposal <br /> location . Looking at the savings and transfer haul and disposal costs the breakeven <br /> point would occur as far as transfer station viability when your savings is equal to the <br /> capital cost of the transfer station . The significance of the breakeven point is if an <br /> alternate disposal solution can be developed within the time frame prior to reaching <br /> the breakeven point, then it would be cheaper to direct haul to a private sector <br /> transfer station . That is based on the numbers that were developed in the economic <br /> evaluation and the assumptions in that. The corollary to that is if an alternative <br /> cannot be developed and implemented within that time frame, it is going to be <br /> cheaper to build a county transfer station in that you would have recovered your <br /> costs . <br /> If you look at the alternate disposal solutions , one premise would be that it would <br /> eliminate the long-term need for a transfer station. We heard some of the issues <br /> associated with WtE implementation being the primary aspect of it and siting . If you <br /> were going to implement an alternate disposal solution and eliminate the transfer <br /> station with it you would have to site the facility within Orange County . If it is sited <br /> in any of the adjoining counties, you will still have some sort of mechanism to transfer <br /> 10 <br />
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