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Minutes - Special Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> March 31 , 2009 <br /> Approved May 7, 2009 <br /> the transfer station and the long haul tractor-trailers . The equipment type and <br /> operating cost are based on county experience and other operating facilities . <br /> The results of this on a net present value are the economic tool to get you to a true <br /> apples-to -apples comparison . We understood from the beginning from the <br /> Commissioners we were to look at the alternatives and looking at alternatives to <br /> getting to a long-term solution. <br /> We know that the Hwy 54 site is not going to be appreciated by the people that live <br /> around it any more that any other site . The issue for us is not if [Hwy] 54 is a good <br /> site or not or should you look for another site . The County has gone through an <br /> elaborate siting process that got to this point. You don' t want to abandon that totally <br /> because people around that site don' t like it. There is no such thing as a perfect site . <br /> What has to be considered to put a site here, is it a permanent site or not. We assume <br /> if it is, 20 year cost analysis is your best cost for that site . We also noted that any <br /> alternative will take more than a few years to develop . <br /> Cost Summary - 20-Year Net Present Value <br /> Option Cost <br /> West Hwy 54 Transfer Station $55 Million <br /> Durham Transfer Station $ 62 Million <br /> WI / WM Transfer Station $ 65 Million <br /> We also looked at some emissions . We used the additional off route emissions based <br /> on heavy- duty diesel vehicle emissions . The information is from an EPA study by <br /> INFORM . We did some correlation of the amount of tons that would be accumulated <br /> over the 20 year period . In reality this isn' t a lot of tons . <br /> We were also asked to look at some relative risks and impacts . The thing that <br /> sometimes gets lost in this is the headache of the one that has to run the vehicles for <br /> the Towns and County . Those that drive the vehicles have more risk the farther they <br /> have to drive . They will have a [mechanical] breakdown . There will be accidents . <br /> They will slowed down because of other accidents . So we looked at relative risks and <br /> grouped them high, medium and low . <br /> Other issues that we looked at based on our experience with a local government not <br /> owning its transfer station, it reduces the flexibility to use alternative long- term <br /> disposal options . If you want the best deals from the private guys you have tap into a <br /> longer term contract which locks you out of any other options during that period of <br /> time . There is less influence on the disposal site operations to ensure environmental <br /> health and safety . The reduced ability to take advantage <br /> protection and community <br /> of improved disposal costs at alternative locations is similar to the alternative <br /> technology but it is more of landfilling [alternative] . Something that was pointed out <br /> 9 <br />