SWAB minutes 033109
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 033109
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Last modified
1/14/2019 4:39:31 PM
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1/14/2019 4:38:39 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Special Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> March 31 , 2009 <br /> Approved May 7, 2009 <br /> Additional Off-route costs - All Jurisdictions <br /> Year <br /> TS Option 2011 2015 2020 2025 2030 <br /> Hwy 54 $172, 000 $202, 000 $246, 000 $299, 000 $365 , 000 <br /> Durham $525 , 000 $659, 000 $874, 000 $1 , 156, 000 $1 , 524, 000 <br /> WI/ WM $597, 000 $ 747, 000 $ 987, 000 $11300, 000 $1 , 708 , 000 <br /> In the investigation of the existing transfer stations we found that all of them <br /> including the landfills that they go to are permitted to accept Orange County waste . <br /> Waste Industries (WI) and Waste Management (WM) have capacity both at the <br /> transfer station and landfill . Durham has told us that their capacity at its transfer <br /> station would be only for the next 2 or 3 years . That is due to them reserving capacity <br /> for the City of Durham and Durham County . They are thinking about expanding that <br /> facility or moving it. Actually if you look at the capacity they have for the next 2 or 3 <br /> years you don' t need it for the next year or year - and-a-half . All the facilities observe 3 <br /> -7 holidays a year . WM only accepts waste Monday - Friday lam to 4pm . WI only <br /> accepts waste Monday - Friday Gam to 7pm. Durham accepts waste Monday - Friday <br /> 7 : 30am to 4 : 30pm and Saturday until noon. What this means is that you will have to <br /> work out a deal with one of the transfer stations to change their operating hours or <br /> allow you come in off-hours or you will have to modify your weekend services . <br /> Each facility indicated its willingness to contract with Orange County . Durham <br /> indicated it was more of a political decision among the two communities . WM / WI it <br /> is a contract basis low bid . WM current spot price is $45 . - $50 / ton . They would give <br /> a price break for a multi-year contract. WI current price is $42 . 50 / ton. They indicated <br /> there was little room for special price reductions based on quantity or long term <br /> contracting . Durham ' s current price is $42 / ton. Price escalators on all would follow a <br /> CPI and fuel cost escalator . WI indicated that would be willing to set a price flat for 2 <br /> - 5 years but it would probably not be the $42 . 50 . We went to the [NC] DENR files <br /> and looked at all the inspections - there were no significant violations . <br /> The next component of the analysis is the new transfer station. It is an update from <br /> what was assumed on Eubanks Rd . We have assumed 25 acres of land, which is more <br /> that we need but it is a conservative number to buy land to give plenty of buffers . It is <br /> a fully enclosed building . It would be built at capacity so that you wouldn' t have to <br /> expand it for 20 years of growth . It would have a small citizen' s drop off area . This is <br /> not a convenience center, but an area that would allow a citizen that didn' t realize this <br /> was for commercial vehicles so you wouldn' t have to turn them away . The 20 years of <br /> growth is consistent with our analysis on our whole approach . <br /> Total capital estimate in 2010 dollars is almost $5 million. We took that current prices <br /> escalated to 2010 . Our analysis says you build it then and pay a debt service and <br /> levelize the debt service for 20 years . It includes all new equipment both operating at <br /> 8 <br />
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