SWAB minutes 033109
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Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 033109
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1/14/2019 4:39:31 PM
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1/14/2019 4:38:39 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Special Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> March 31 , 2009 <br /> Approved May 7, 2009 <br /> if gas prices go up or if the state changes some of its licensing fees . In the total cost <br /> per ton we included a factor because we assumed the vendors would be slightly <br /> further away than a [Hwy] 54 site . We assumed 8 to 10 miles and at $ 0 . 75 ton/ mile, <br /> which is a standard number used by the professionals . We [therefore] included an <br /> additional [calculated] surcharge of $ 6 - $ 7 . 50 a ton just for additional travel time over <br /> and above going to 54 to go to a vendor site . This would be going from Meadowmont <br /> to the Waste Industries site . <br /> Looking at Orange County to get to the $11 to $20 we used the county ' s numbers of $5 <br /> to $ 7 million to build and operate a waste transfer station . Those were the numbers <br /> that were in the county ' s report to the Commissioners in December . We added $2 to <br /> $3 million as a negotiated price for the Howell property . <br /> In talking to the vendors, they gave us some standard prices of eight- and- a-half cents <br /> per ton, which is the basis of long distance hauling . Standard [landfill solid waste] <br /> tipping fees in NC are about $25 to $31 per ton . The numbers assume a 20-year life <br /> for the transfer station . We also estimated for 10 year life because we were not sure <br /> what ' interim' means . Bottom line it is $40 to $50 per ton for the vendors versus a $47 <br /> to $70 per ton for the county . All our cost assumes 240 tons a day, 312 days a year, <br /> which equals 75, 000 tons / year . The county ' s volumes are actually lower than that so <br /> the cost per ton is closer to $15 to $25 per ton, on a ten year model even more . We are <br /> not sure about the capital cost for the county because the $5 to $7 million that we used <br /> was based on an estimate that was developed in 2006 for Eubanks Rd . We haven' t <br /> seen a number of how much it would actually cost to build and operate a waste <br /> transfer station on [Hwy] 54 . Some on this Board have suggested that $5 to $ 7 million <br /> is not representative of the cost to build a facility out in the rural county . <br /> At the end of the day how do we answer the question " Are the vendors an option? " <br /> The answer is, " Yes the vendors are an option to take our garbage in the short-term if <br /> we don' t find a better site . " In fact if we really work the numbers we can probably <br /> save money but I don' t think that is the question on the table . <br /> We looked at the Olver reports, it seems that they agree in principle with that <br /> conclusion that the vendors can take our trash and it is a cost- effective solution. We <br /> may not agree on the extent of the savings but it certainly looks like we have time to <br /> find a better site . Our trash is not going to pile up and it looks like saving time to find <br /> a better site will save the County a great deal of money over the next 20 years - <br /> possibly $15 or $20 million . <br /> In the midst of today ' s global and financial crises it seems short-sighted to consider <br /> hauling and dumping our trash anywhere for 20 years and to build infrastructure to <br /> do that. If we use vendors, it might give us time to find some new ways rather than <br /> simply patch up an uncomfortable situation with old technology . <br /> 3 <br />
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