SWAB minutes 033109
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Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 033109
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Last modified
1/14/2019 4:39:31 PM
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1/14/2019 4:38:39 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Special Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> March 31 , 2009 <br /> Approved May 7, 2009 <br /> is because you can end up closer to your destination by a mile or so but the efficiency <br /> of the route is lost because you have to make more left hand turns or because you <br /> have to back-track . Every town would optimize their route, once the final site is <br /> looked at and it would have some adjustment to be made . Based on our experience <br /> with routing and this situation that is not a driver that would ' flip ' any of the graphs <br /> to make one more efficient than the other . <br /> Vickers asks if the $4 . 9 million includes the wastewater treatment system needed . <br /> Reynolds replies yes . It includes every bit of the utilities, water, fire control and <br /> everything on site including the roads . <br /> Vickers states that OCV question was for an interim of 4 - 5 years to transfer waste, <br /> does the 20 year analysis hold any water . The 20 year analysis favors the landfill <br /> [means building transfer station] . <br /> Reynolds states that our understanding of the question from the beginning is long <br /> term alternatives . Looking at the information presented, all of it deals with long-term <br /> alternatives . At no time did we think that this was " Put up a temporary transfer <br /> station or not and that ultimately the long term solution would be something that <br /> would not need a transfer station . " The issue for the county in our minds is how are <br /> you going to get your waste out of this county to its disposal site long term . If you <br /> don' t think long term you could do something that is really cheap for the next few <br /> years and be truly costly in the long term . That is why we did a 20-year analysis . It <br /> does not make sense to build a transfer station of this caliber and use it for 5 years . <br /> Vickers states that this is a loaded question. You stated that [Hwy] 54 would be up by <br /> 2011 , do you realistically think it could be done by then even if everyone gets out of <br /> the way . If the landfill is going to be done by the end of 2010, what is going to happen <br /> in the shortfall between [Hwy] 54 and the closing of the landfill . <br /> Wilson states that the landfill will have capacity to until mid-2011 . We are preparing <br /> a report for the Commissioners for the April 21 meeting to tell them what the options <br /> are to bridge the gap if there is one . <br /> Yuhasz states that it looks like the biggest difference in cost is in the off route costs <br /> and the biggest component of that difference is the difference in mileage between the <br /> 54 site and each of the other sites . <br /> Reynolds states that the dollar per ton tipping fee at the transfer station that includes <br /> long haul disposal is very similar for private sector or the County is correct. What <br /> that says is that the County can operate that facility about as efficiently as the private <br /> sector can. The differences are the routes costs . <br /> 11 <br />
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