Orange County NC Website
Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> March 5, 2009 <br /> Approved April 2, 2009 <br /> Sassaman states that one place that you should be talking to are the Towns and see if <br /> [they and] the BOCC wish to revisit the interlocal agreement. <br /> Wilson states that since a WtE facility hasn ' t been permitted or sifted in NC in 25 years <br /> or more what is your expectation on time to permit construction in NO <br /> Peverall states that there has been a BCH plant in Bladen County permitted in 1997 or <br /> 1998 . It was a two year process to permit that WtE facility . That was a RDF facility <br /> [VEDCO] . It has been ten or twelve years since that. It could . take five years . It is a <br /> very difficult process, especially when you are starting at this juncture and building <br /> local support. The permit phase could be two to five years . <br /> Wilson states that it is likely that there will be fraction of the waste stream that is not <br /> going to be recycled and going to require some other alternative means of handling . <br /> Whether that is 50 % or 30 % or 20 % , I predict that in my children ' s lifetime there will <br /> be waste that has to go somewhere . I ' ve heard it stated that the WtE should be located <br /> close to where the waste is being generated . One would presume from that it <br /> wouldn ' t likely be Orange County given that we generate the least waste of any <br /> community around us . Therefore if there were a WtE facility, waste would have to be <br /> transferred to it. Thus some means of transfer would be required . Given the fact that <br /> there hasn' t been a facility located in 25 years except for VEDCO (in Fayetteville) , it <br /> appears that one should not put all your eggs in one basket hoping that WtE happens . <br /> The local public interest in the environment is extreme as demonstrated with the <br /> knowledgeable and dedicated people u1 this room . The county is full of them and I <br /> am not sure that you could ever get a majority of them to agree in a reasonable period <br /> of time to go with WtE . Waste is coming in every day and wishful thinking is not the <br /> solution to what to do with it. There have been many regional attempts in the past <br /> twenty years to do recycling, processing, landfills and alternative technologies . <br /> Wake County has 25 years of landfill capacity . Alamance County has 50 years landfill <br /> capacity . Person County has 25 years of landfill capacity . Who are the partners that <br /> will be ready to jump in the next two years on the WtE bandwagon? <br /> Smith moves to adjourn. <br /> Tipton states that we should at least adjourn by 10 : 15 . A motion was made and <br /> seconded by Norwood that we adjourn at 10 : 15 . <br /> Pollock asks for clarity from Peter . You stated several years for the Frederick-Carroll <br /> plan. I just wanted a starting point of when they came to Wheelabrator and said they <br /> wanted to do something until 2009, up until when it may do something. <br /> 21 <br />