SWAB minutes 030509
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 030509
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Last modified
1/14/2019 4:38:39 PM
Creation date
1/14/2019 4:37:24 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> March 5, 2009 <br /> Approved April 2, 2009 <br /> is changing but certainly any study in WtE would have to consider the regulatory side <br /> of it. We are suggesting please go forward and study WtE . It is going to take a little <br /> time . It' s regional not just Orange County and would hope you would consider the <br /> following factors - <br /> Look at all the waste streams not just municipal household waste . Potential for <br /> biosolids, tires, construction debris and other things could be converted to energy <br /> and all the wastes streams need to be looked at. Plasma advocates claim that <br /> y <br /> can convert medical waste to energy . <br /> We think today might not be the answer, it is going to take some time to do and <br /> the technology is changing , huge investments [are] going into WtE so we would <br /> hope that the county would say what is a good time for us to jump in , What has <br /> historically happened with WtE is not what is happening today . <br /> The size of the facility is important. We talked about highway, rail, power and <br /> water and sewer . Also we would hope that the county would think aboutlove the <br /> industrial areas [with] minimal impact on residential communities . We <br /> eco industrial park model . Experts agree that 1 , 000 tons / day or lager is the right <br /> size . <br /> We hope you look at the environmental impacts . The WtE industry is claim We <br /> that they' re burning as clean as natural gas or very close on most emissions . <br /> would expect the county to retain environmental experts to come to our own <br /> conclusions about that. <br /> We hope that our rail system will be part of the solution . When we look at the the <br /> economics, it' s not just costs, and our costs are getting up there . It is looking m <br /> $ 60 + / ton for us to handle our waste . When we look at the economics it' s not just <br /> dual <br /> to build and operate the facility, it has to be the resale of the energy the resi <br /> ash, incentives for renewable energy and potential revenue for Orange County . <br /> We are not sure that this is a county initiative because looking at a $100 $ <br /> million capital investment this is what the big boys like Waste Management or <br /> Duke Energy this is what they do for a living and if Orange County might haveant <br /> better role of committing to a waste stream and saying this is something we w <br /> to participate in rather than something that we build . <br /> Finally there are the regulations would have to part of the study . As a final point, <br /> we believe the County should discontinue all work on the waste transfer station on <br /> the Howell site and in rural county . Instead we think the County should empower <br /> this board to aggressively explore WtE and provide funding for expert opinion <br /> and research . For our short-term needs, we suggest the County engage local <br /> vendors to handle our waste disposal requiring no immediate siting decisions and <br /> 10 <br />
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