SWAB minutes 020509
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Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 020509
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Last modified
1/14/2019 4:37:24 PM
Creation date
1/14/2019 4:36:25 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> February 5, 2009 <br /> Approved March 5, 2009 <br /> Walser states that the way the population is growing the centroid will probably move <br /> north . <br /> Sassaman states that the only data to go on is not what people think and hope but <br /> what the County Planning Department came up with on a mathematical analysis . <br /> That is a geographical demographic technique . The population center of the US is <br /> near Kansas [actually central Missouri in 2000] , regardless of how many actually live <br /> in that place . That is the technique that was used . <br /> Hauser notes that it' s coincidental with the landfill . <br /> Pollock notes that the siting in 1972 was not based on that criterion. <br /> Vickers states that the centroid is accurate but not precise . <br /> Hauser states that the reason I ask that is I drove from the landfill to the Howell site <br /> which is 111/2 miles . If I drive 11/2 miles from here to Hwy 86 and 140 and then 12 <br /> miles up to I85 the EPA says the waste transfer station should be 15 - 20 miles from <br /> the waste centroid . When I got in my car and drove 13 miles to the centroid or the 12 <br /> miles from the Hwy 86 and 140 to the I85 site it was faster . It may be an extra mile but <br /> it was faster and I was under the impression in terms of hauling cost driver time is as <br /> important as mileage . I would think that an additional highway mile might be <br /> cheaper than driving down a country road for a mile less . If we have that subtle a <br /> difference, and I ' m not picking sites, but for us to be resting our future on a site that' s <br /> based on so subtle a point. <br /> Walser states that to answer your question about if Bingham Township would be OK <br /> for a wasteAo-energy station, if there were an industrial park there 1 would say bring <br /> it on . The area out there is farming large land acreage . There are farmer owners there <br /> that have had land in their families for 250 years; a lot of them have had land taken <br /> because of Cane Creek . It just doesn' t make sense to change the character of that area <br /> when there are other areas of the county that are better suited . <br /> Sassaman states that any discussion of whether the waste transfer station should or <br /> should not be located in Bingham Township is probably moot because it is not our <br /> decision . We have gone on record with what we wanted to see . That is a decision <br /> that was made by the Board of Commissioners . The issue of waste-to-energy and <br /> priorities is another issue . What I ' m trying to get to is how we deal with garbage . We <br /> have a situation where we will have to do something different in two years . We have <br /> to do something with the garbage responsibly, ethically, and environmentally in all <br /> phases of what we do with it, including recyclimg . We have a commitment to the <br /> municipalities . We have an interlocal agreement and my understanding of that is that <br /> the County is obligated to provide an in-county disposal site to the Towns . <br /> 9 <br />
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