Orange County NC Website
Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> February 5, 2009 <br /> Approved March 5, 2009 <br /> Walser states that even if it takes ten years to build a waste to energy station, if the <br /> waste transfer station is sited in a location that is convenient to that area rather than <br /> 12 to 13 miles away from the centroid that makes a lot more sense . We want to plan <br /> more for the future . <br /> Sassaman asks where do you think it would be likely that we would be able to site a <br /> regional waste -to - energy facility . <br /> Hauser replies it depends on who we partner with . <br /> Sassaman asks would you be willing to see one in Bingham Township . <br /> Hauser replies probably not. Here is why . There is no garbage there . There is no <br /> trash concentration in Bingham Township . We think right now everything the <br /> vendors are telling us and everything that the EPA says these facilities should be sited <br /> in an industrial area, not in the rural area where there is no one to complain . One of <br /> the newer concepts is the Eco Industrial Park where if you had a waste-to-energy <br /> facility and recycling were co-located to take the residual ash and turn it into concrete, <br /> or whatever you want and because we are so sustainable co4ocate a solar <br /> manufacturer and have other sustainable energy resources in the same place . <br /> One of our favorite sites is out on 1.85 . It is zoned commercial industrial, there is <br /> hundreds of acres of land for sale, there is a train line that runs through it, it is on the <br /> bridge, a really interesting site . <br /> Walser adds it' s on the existing truck routes . <br /> Sassaman asks how many miles is that from the centroid . <br /> Hauser states that we have a question about the centroid . We are siting on the <br /> centroid right now . If I go one and a half miles down to I40 and 86, why is this the <br /> centroid why wouldn ' t Hwy86440 intersection be the centroid? <br /> Wilson states that the Orange County Planning Department looked at the current <br /> residential array of where houses and business are now and then predict twenty years <br /> from now, based on land use patterns and projected growth patterns where the <br /> housing would be and the distribution of commercial areas which was plotted and <br /> became the center of waste generation or the waste centroid . They looked at the <br /> development nodes and it' s an abstract mathematical kind of place but it' s a point of <br /> reference . <br /> 8 <br />