SWAB minutes 020509
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 020509
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Last modified
1/14/2019 4:37:24 PM
Creation date
1/14/2019 4:36:25 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> February 5, 2009 <br /> Approved March 5, 2009 <br /> The job at Public Works is if the public demands something to happen we do it. <br /> Something that people look forward to is exemptions . There is an extremely high <br /> exemption rate in Chapel Hill . All those things are pro forma costs for a private <br /> company and they will give you a price to do all that stuff. The reason that Chapel <br /> Hill hasn' t privatized collection and hauling is because they can ' t do it any cheaper <br /> than we do it. We look at it every year . <br /> Sassaman states that there are some other things about your service . There is staff <br /> there that when there is a storm, things disappear . Trees that fall, etc . they' re gone, <br /> cleanup is quick . Part of that is because there is a place for you to put the debris . <br /> Howard states that calls come in from all over the State from municipalities that have <br /> gotten out of the business and want to know how to get back into it. It is an extremely <br /> difficult thing to do . If you sell your equipment, it' s expensive to replace . Rules have <br /> changed, if it' s franchised you can' t just take it away, you, have to pay them . It' s <br /> complicated . <br /> Bonnie Hauser, Orange County Voice asks isn' t it so, that roughly half of the <br /> collection in Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Hillsborough is private including the private <br /> collector at UNC . Those are the numbers I ' ve seen on solid waste . <br /> Pollock states that in terms of out- source there is the question of Carrboro just made it <br /> open market versus the Town to compete dollar for dollar . UNC out-sourced the <br /> collection but kept control of where they send it. How much of it do public agencies <br /> still control that is hauled in a private truck? Hillsborough franchises but they control <br /> where it goes . Their franchisee has to abide by the County" s and Towns' rules . <br /> Hauser states many private companies are very interested in our waste . Being <br /> relatively new to the waste business, it is quite interesting. There is waste transfer <br /> station and there is waste-to-energy . Our group has been researching both . Back in <br /> December, when the County said lets look at the [Hwy] West 54 site and the decision <br /> had to be made quickly, if not the garbage would pile up . We came back stating that <br /> before moving too quickly maybe a vendor could be used . We started calling <br /> Durham Transfer Station run by Republic Allied, Waste Management and Waste <br /> Industries and they said they would take the garbage . They have the head room for <br /> 240 tons a day . They would take the garbage on an interim basis if your landfill runs <br /> out of capacity . So there is no rush if the County needed a little more time to find a <br /> site that is better . I don' t want to get into if this is the right site or not. <br /> In December when the Howell site came up and the estimate came from the County of <br /> $5 -$ 7 million dollars to build a waste transfer station plus another $2-$3 million for <br /> the land that is $7 - $10 million to build it - no cost was provided to what it would cost <br /> to operate it. The vendors say $1 - $2 million to build a waste transfer station. <br /> 5 <br />
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