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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> February 5, 2009 <br /> Approved March 5, 2009 <br /> costs on that this spring . That technology has gotten a bad name and it is expensive, <br /> but this company has been doing it for quite a while, they know what they are doing <br /> and have well- designed systems . I have seen them and what they produce . <br /> Wilson asks if there is a by-product. <br /> Guild replies that all kinds of things can be done with it. It is kind of like glass . It' s <br /> inert and can be used for road bed, tiles . It' s a slag . <br /> Wilson asks about feedstock . <br /> Guild replies it' s MSW . <br /> Wilson asks if Guild thinks that Orange County could be the location for a prototype . <br /> Guild further mentions that Wilson said at the last meeting there was mention of a <br /> long list that the Revered [Campbell] had agreed to of how things got paid . <br /> Wilson states that there is a list of agreed-to community amenities that resulted from a <br /> County/ Rogers Rd . Enhancement Task Force, a list of about 20 community amenities <br /> which range from bus service, utilities, sidewalks, a community recreation area and a <br /> number of other things that the Task Force recommended to the Commissioners, but <br /> it hasn' t been acted on yet. One or two Commissioners have raised it in recent <br /> meetings so they aware of it [the list] . For instance bus service, they' re 1/2 mile from <br /> the bus garage but it doesn' t run there . <br /> Vickers states that Chapel Hill and Carrboro both pay for the buses, but not the <br /> County . <br /> Wilson states that a number of things are still on the list going back to the Landfill <br /> Owners Group time period . <br /> Guild states that it seems that if it appears to be reasonable and the economics are <br /> there it makes sense . <br /> Sassaman states that the SWAB ' s recommendation that elevated the issue to put the <br /> waste transfer station at the Eubanks landfill contained stipulations that those things <br /> that the community needed to mitigate the affects of the solid waste operation be a <br /> part of that whole action and that was part of the resolution passed by the Board of <br /> Commissioners . Our recommendation included those improvements . <br /> Wilson states that my interpretation of the question is that the community believes <br /> that they should obtain those amenities for what they have already endured and 1 <br /> 3 <br />