SWAB minutes 011509
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 011509
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Last modified
1/14/2019 4:36:25 PM
Creation date
1/14/2019 4:36:10 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> January 15, 2009 <br /> Approved February 5, 2009 <br /> model based on a combination of revenue sources . Then send that to the <br /> Commissioners and Town Boards for their comments and then bring it to the public <br /> and then back to the Board for their final recommendation. <br /> Sassaman asks has it been established who is responsible for bringing it to the public <br /> from each jurisdiction . <br /> Pollock states that it has been looked at as a unified process that would go once . You <br /> as the SWAB can decide if it' s more effective to bring it forward four times to each of <br /> the boards and public rather than once to the public, you should let us know that. <br /> Sassaman raises the concern of what if one of the Towns decides to do it differently? <br /> That is something that should come up in one of the planning meetings, assuming we <br /> get all the Towns' representatives there . <br /> Wilson notes that unless the plan is finalized by June 30, we will not be eligible for the <br /> expanded grant money . <br /> 5 . Transfer Station Site Search Update and Discussion Wilson states that on December <br /> 11th the Board was presented with a recommendation from the manager and <br /> consultant. The Board had a lengthy discussion of where to go from there . They <br /> decided to eliminate one of the final three sites and proceed with two sites . One is the <br /> 43 - acre OWASA property and the other is the adjacent 142-acre property owned by <br /> Dennis Howell. [Howell LLC] Staff was instructed to conduct assessments, <br /> appraisals, surveys, etc . on each property and come back at the earliest opportunity <br /> and present the work . Presumably they would select one of the two sites . Staff was <br /> also directed to come back on January 22nd with a proposal to initiate a citizen <br /> advisory group consisting of residents who live in that part of the county to assist the <br /> County in development of the transfer station at one of those locations . <br /> Sassaman asks where are you with the assessments . <br /> Wilson states that they are in the final stages of concluding an agreement with a <br /> property appraiser . The survey is already under contract. A surface water <br /> assessment has been requested . Letters were sent to both property owners notifying <br /> them that their property had been selected for investigation and assessment by the <br /> BOCC and asked for permission to conduct the various assessments . One of the <br /> property owners did not provide that permission . Subsequently a letter of 30- day <br /> right of entry notice followed . The OWASA Board wanted to know in more detail the <br /> type of assessments that is going to be conducted because they have some sludge <br /> there . The OWASA Board meets on January 22nd to consider how to respond to the <br /> County ' s inquiry . <br /> 4 <br />
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