SWAB minutes 100208
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Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 100208
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1/14/2019 4:30:16 PM
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1/14/2019 4:11:31 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> October 2, 2008 <br /> Approved January 15, 2009 <br /> Smith asks if that ' s much more than simply burning or flaring it. <br /> DuBose states that flaring destructs it and you get the credits . Generating power or <br /> using it for converting the gas into some form of energy whether it is heat or power <br /> you get that benefit as well . The University needs the carbon offsets . Our carbon foot <br /> print is huge . The energy value of the gas is not enough . The real value is in the <br /> environmental benefits . <br /> Smith asks if there is a cheaper way of doing the environmental value than millions of <br /> dollars . Is there no other way of getting rid of it. <br /> Spire states that there are no requirements to do anything with it now . It could be <br /> collected in a stack, where no one could see it, that destroys the methane, but it' s also <br /> wasting a huge resource of energy that could be converted to do something else . That <br /> is what the University wants to do . However miniscule it is in the scheme of the <br /> University of NC, anything they can do to off set that is a plus for the County to go <br /> ty . There is no cost to the County . The County will <br /> into conjunction with the Universi <br /> benefit monetarily when the contract is done . <br /> Vickers states that it may be the University ' s money but it will be paid by the tax <br /> payer and that may become a question of if this is worth doing. <br /> Pollock states that if everything was about the bottom dollar one could stop there and <br /> say " Destroy the methane . And collect the carbon credit for driving it down to 21x <br /> less greenhouse gas" , some economists might say " You' re right" . <br /> Smith says, les get rid of the gas envi <br /> t' ronmentally soundly . If it were to run more <br /> than 100 houses, like 2000 or 3000 houses, it might make sense . <br /> Sassaman asks, " What are your thoughts about combusting refuse derived fuel in the <br /> University system ? " <br /> DuBose states that there is a quite a portfolio of ideas and that is one on the list to <br /> discuss further . <br /> Sassaman asks how much would be needed . <br /> DuBose states that the plasma technology is being used in Europe and Japan but not <br /> in this country yet. <br /> Barner asks are you talking about putting it in the existing boiler? RDF or direct <br /> burn . You could process it and make a briquette or a pellet. <br /> 5 <br />
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