Orange County NC Website
Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> October 2, 2008 <br /> Approved January 15, 2009 <br /> Pollock states that that is huge . There is one guy in Wisconsin, Peter Anderson, he <br /> postulates the value at 100 X . The other thing I was curious about, was the flaring <br /> going to take place at the landfill site ? <br /> Barner replies yes it is . <br /> Pollock notes that may be clarified during the public meeting . <br /> Masson shows the location of the pump and condensate line on the landfill, then <br /> routing and how the gas line goes across tracks, then the Green tract, on to Weaver <br /> Dairy Road Extension, across a little panhandle of Carolina North that come out to <br /> Homestead Road, then goes on the South side of the road with the gas line and the <br /> duct bank to the where the Duke Power service center used to be . The University <br /> owns that now and we would propose to build a substation there behind that <br /> building where we would also locate the generator . The Homeless Shelter will also go <br /> there . This is about two miles of gas pipeline . <br /> Vickers notes you should define megawatt, how many houses will it power ? <br /> Spire states that some things that may come up are : " Is the gas explosive ? What <br /> happens if the pipeline catches on fire ? Will it blow up ? What protections are built <br /> into the system ? " <br /> Pollock states that if you demystify what methane is it would help . I agree with Paul <br /> that people in proximity to the landfill are concerned about every aspect of the <br /> project. I don t know if the United Church will be represented as they' re proximate to <br /> the site and the pastor is on the Orange County Organizing Committee . Can you <br /> consider using the waste heat for district heating, how far can you push the hot <br /> water ? <br /> Smith asks how long will the gas be available ? <br /> Barner replies from an economic value about twenty years - it could last a little longer . <br /> Smith asks how many houses will a mega watt of electricity serve ? <br /> DuBose states that there are about ten kilowatts per house . We will have to ask Jeff <br /> for an exact number . <br /> Smith states that if it is only 100 houses you are wasting my money . <br /> DuBose states that the real value of the project is the environmental values . The <br /> construction of the methane and the carbon offsets we are getting . <br /> 4 <br />