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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> October 2, 2008 <br /> Approved January 15, 2009 <br /> services are located . There is a peak capacity of one megawatt. We will also build a <br /> duct bank of electric lines to serve the Giles Horney complex . <br /> Pollock states that there are three things that may be useful - I ' m not sure the number <br /> for the landfill closure has been revised to 2012 . We were targeting 2011 for capacity <br /> and closure . <br /> Spire states that that landfill closure will happen in 2012 but it will reach capacity in <br /> 2011 . <br /> Pollock states that when you talk about gas reaching peak capacity, because we have <br /> the two components, the 1995 unlined closed landfill that has passive venting now <br /> and the new piece that is going to reach capacity that is lined, [ there is] the collective <br /> peak between the two because obviously the south side will not peak for another ten <br /> to fifteen years . The third thing is, was there some reason to go the extra expense of <br /> doing a direct wire as opposed to buying and selling to Duke Power through the sub <br /> station? That seems expensive to run a mile down Estes with wire . Is there an <br /> advantage to doing that? <br /> DuBose states that it is more valuable to offset electricity that we are already <br /> purchasing with an alternative source than to sell directly to Duke . Duke has a fixed <br /> rate to buy that and we pay more for electricity than I can sell it for . Putting electricity <br /> on Carolina North property gives us the carbon offsets directly for that campus . That <br /> is our goal for the campus . <br /> Pollock states that with all the nuances of buy / sell and how carbon offsets will be <br /> portrayed or used, it is worth running a one megawatt line down there . It bothers me <br /> to spend so much [tax money] constructing that line instead of being able to sell to the <br /> grid . <br /> Vickers asks if essentially you will transport the gas to Homestead area from the <br /> landfill and generate power there, and then use the wire from there down, why have a <br /> pipe to begin with? Why not generate the power from the landfill? <br /> DuBose states that the wire will be there anyway from Homestead into Carolina <br /> North campus and it is cheaper to run the pipeline . Plus it' s cheaper to use the <br /> electricity we make than it is to buy and sell it. <br /> Sassaman asks is there a reason to put the generator on Carolina North property . Are <br /> you getting certain benefits — carbon offsets or other economic benefits -- by making <br /> that a part of your package ? <br /> 2 <br />