Orange County NC Website
Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> September 4, 2008 <br /> Approved October 2, 2008 <br /> not Johnston] said let' s put a letter of interest out and see if there is some County that <br /> wants to be our partner, in a way where we ' ll capitalize and they site it on their land . <br /> They said it makes sense to go within a 100 mile radius two hours one way by truck . <br /> They didn' t get any responses from anybody within a 100 miles radius even though <br /> they said ' we' ll capitalize it, pay you a host fee and all you have to do is allow the hole <br /> there " . <br /> One thing that I saw interesting in the report, two of the three really successful ones <br /> they showed were right in the middle of cities less than 1/2 mile from where people <br /> live, not just the factory districts and no apparent problems . The technology has <br /> advanced further than the attitudes about the technology . <br /> Wake County has a landfill for $22 per ton. Durham is shipping to Virginia and is not <br /> concerned . Even if we were really ready to do the political lifting, there is no one to <br /> lift with . <br /> Bowerman states that it is a good idea to do it. We would need more counties . This is <br /> not the time . I agree that it is something that eventually needs to be done . <br /> Norwood states that because Orange County likes to be progressive, if I were going to <br /> sit down and talk to Barry face-to-face, I would suggest mailing out information that <br /> would explain that somewhere down the road this will be an issue and we want to <br /> remind you of it. We' re thinking of it now and we have some good information we <br /> can pass it on to you . <br /> Wilson asks who is the " them " , the citizens ? <br /> Norwood replies Durham, Wake, and Chatham . They could sort of remind them <br /> every year so that it stays not on the top surface, but just under it and then Orange <br /> County would look good by reaching out. <br /> Vickers states that what I ' m hearing is that the SWAB endorses Mass Burn but doesn' t <br /> feel that Orange County can do it on its own and needs to encourage the <br /> commissioners to look for an opportunity for when the major players are ready to <br /> play . <br /> Sassaman states that there is a train wreck coming . There is just a little more track to <br /> go on for now as there is some landfill space around . The current climate is not in <br /> favor of landfills and this is what has started the concept of looking at alternative <br /> technologies . One of the criteria we asked the. consultants to include was cost. The <br /> cost is the stumbling block to Mass Burn and RDF for a facility our size . In Table A2 <br /> in their report the RDF plant takes up to 750 tons per day and the modular Mass Burn <br /> takes up to 150 tons per day . The costs per ton for operating and maintenance for <br /> 5 <br />