SWAB minutes 080708
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 080708
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Last modified
1/14/2019 4:29:57 PM
Creation date
1/14/2019 4:10:36 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> August 7, 2008 <br /> Approved September 4, 2008 <br /> Smith states that a garbage truck just left my house and he has a bicycle tire, a flat <br /> iron, a waffle iron and ten pounds of cardboard, there is no presorting in this system . <br /> It is dumped in? <br /> Gershman replies yes . The iron would come out in the ash, bike tires will burn off, <br /> the wheel will be in the ferrous for recovery . Cardboard is burned, there is zero <br /> presorting . You' d rather not put the big metal items in the truck in the first place . <br /> Pollock asks how much of the ability to capture the waste steam or hot water affects <br /> the economics of waste to energy? <br /> Gershman states that generally the steam comes out of the back end of the condensing <br /> turbine . It is very hot. You can view your hot water system as your cooling tower . <br /> You are almost getting free energy . There is some efficiency lost but it is very small . <br /> If you were taking steam off at 300 to 400 psig, the steam would be worth a lot to a <br /> process customer . It is not a big efficiency loss for heating and cooling . If you have an <br /> industrial customer nearby it' s very good . Baltimore takes off steam for district steam <br /> with an automatic extraction turbine and the market takes what it needs at different <br /> times of year . In Europe district energy is very common to most plants . <br /> Norwood asks do you have a feel of how much heat that plant generates outside the <br /> building? <br /> Gershman states that you walk outside you wouldn' t know it. If the plant is run right <br /> you could stand here [ gestures close to the door of the room] and not smell garbage or <br /> feel the heat. You might hear some noise from cooling towersor trucks going in and <br /> out. <br /> Norwood asks how many people does the plant employee . <br /> Gershman replies 60-70 . <br /> Wilson asks do you avoid yard waste . <br /> Gershman replies no . You might avoid a slug of it, otherwise it would be mixed . <br /> Smith asks if there is a Mass Burn here the cost would be 120, 000 tons / year X <br /> $225, 000 . <br /> Gershman states that the smaller the plant, the higher per installed ton [of capacity] - <br /> $275, 000 X 300 tons [of daily capacity] . That' s $82, 500, 000 . You don' t want to be <br /> asking to get more garbage to make this work . You can go after other burnable tons <br /> like the combustible part of C &D or a big industry so you can substitute for those <br /> 4 <br />
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