SWAB minutes 060508
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Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 060508
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1/14/2019 4:29:46 PM
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1/14/2019 4:10:03 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> June 5, 2008 <br /> Approved August 7, 2008 <br /> Sallach replies yes . <br /> Grunwald states that so you will have to consider weighting for the future too . <br /> Sallach states that we want to be thorough this process in defining the technical <br /> criteria, that is to establish the importance of that criteria . What we are proposing is <br /> as you go through the criteria [you will] be giving an importance factor of very <br /> important or important. If it were very important there would be a numeric <br /> weighting factor of 10 applied to that ranking . <br /> Sassaman states that looking at your technical criteria there is one criterion that kind <br /> of cuts across these - energy efficiency . When looking at $4 . 50 / gal . for diesel the <br /> whole issue of energy cost efficiency should be considered as a separate criterion if it <br /> can be teased out. <br /> Pollock asks how does that differ from carbon footprint. <br /> Sassaman states that carbon footprint is a lot broader . <br /> Sallach states that we are going to look at this in two components — carbon footprint <br /> and under community specific we will look at it again under an emissions standpoint. <br /> That doesn' t specifically address energy efficiency but it does kind of cover the fact of <br /> distance . <br /> Sassaman states that I ' m thinking more in terms of life cycle efficiency . <br /> Sallach states that there is a cost component under community specific that it could be <br /> incorporated into . <br /> Norwood states that under truck and traffic compatibility the word neighborhood <br /> should be there . <br /> Sallach states that it is under community specific . <br /> Grunwald asks how much break down is going to be in this . These are good but they <br /> are pretty general considering all that is involved . <br /> Sallach hands out a copy of the zvorking documents of the exclusionary, technical and <br /> community specific criteria . <br /> Grunwald asks who has been responsible for bench marking. <br /> 4 <br />
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