SWAB minutes 040308
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 040308
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Last modified
1/14/2019 4:29:31 PM
Creation date
1/14/2019 4:09:16 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> April 3 , 2008 <br /> Approved May 1, 2008 <br /> elements that will have to be part of the plan . In terms of tonight' s discussion I ask <br /> that you contemplate three things - <br /> • Do you have any comments, questions or criticisms of the over all interim plan? <br /> • Secondly, in terms of the actions that will be facing the advisory board or the work <br /> group, I tried to define where action is either pending or current work is required <br /> and which things you think the work group should attack, which should not be <br /> attacked, and what should be added or deferred and not made part of this plan. <br /> • Third whether you all wish to make a recommendation to the BOCC about this <br /> particular interim plan. <br /> What we are looking at, based on the December memo to the Board of <br /> Commissioners, is the idea that if you choose to adopt the interim plan, it would go to <br /> the BOCC asking to allow for the SWAB to call a public meeting that is required as <br /> part of the plan after that we gather citizen input and deliver to each of the Town <br /> boards for feedback . With that compiled plan it would go back to the Commissioners . <br /> We would get direction on how to go forward . <br /> Tipton points out a problem with the flow of the document agenda item numbering. <br /> Vickers clarifies that the staff request is for the SWAB to host the public meeting on <br /> the plan and that we have enough time to get it on the agenda . <br /> Howard states that on page 35 there is a discussion of franchise and it seemed from <br /> the Work Group meeting, there was a consensus that Chapel Hill businesses and <br /> others liked what we' re doing right now and there was little interest in franchise now . <br /> Vickers states that the report seemed to show that overall it seemed very much like a <br /> franchise already for the most part in the incorporated areas and there was no interest <br /> in County-wide commercial waste franchise . <br /> Pollock notes that there will be a detailed report on community-wide commercial <br /> recycling study . <br /> Norwood states that the 61 % is only addressed once on page 28 and it should be <br /> mentioned more . [NOTE . it is in the executive summary to the plan at the beginning] . <br /> Pollock states that in Appendix E the Goal sheet there is detailed sheet, but we can put <br /> that up front. <br /> 4 <br />
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