SWAB minutes 020708
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 020708
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Last modified
1/14/2019 4:29:24 PM
Creation date
1/14/2019 4:08:46 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> February 7, 2008 <br /> Approved April 3, 2008 <br /> Sassaman suggests they do a preliminary screening type analysis and identify the <br /> major technologies according to whatever criteria plus whatever they might want to <br /> come up with and have in mind about how much money to spend . Or ask them to <br /> tell us how much we would get for $2, 000 or $10, 000 . <br /> Norwood asks do we take that information to the commissioners and say do you want <br /> $2, 000 or $10, 000 and chip in the other $8, 000 . <br /> Sassaman states that we should wait to see what Gayle can do . <br /> Vickers moves to ask Gayle to talk to the consultant about the cost of doing a <br /> screening of six most practical ways of disposing waste in the county . <br /> Norwood 2nd <br /> Vote passes 5 - 0 . <br /> 8 . Programs/Services Update <br /> Solid Waste Operations Center Spire states that they are beginning to start the <br /> construction process . The have surveyed out and put stakes for reference points . <br /> There is a nine-month build process . <br /> Landfill Leachate Sezver Project Pollock states that we are in the final stages of trying to <br /> negotiate the access of some of the land with one of the landowners five years after we <br /> started trying to pump leachate to the sewage treatment plant. If we are not <br /> gaining access, we will have to go back to the attorney to ask how to <br /> successful <br /> acquire the right of way to proceed across that property . <br /> Orange County Comprehensive Plan Pollock states that you all weighed in last year that <br /> solid waste issues need to kept from being zoned out, or legislated out of existence . <br /> The next meeting is April 3rd and zoning and land use regulations adopted in the plan <br /> will affect how solid waste facilities are located . <br /> Interim Solid Waste Management Report The staff is working on this for the next <br /> meeting . <br /> Landfill Gas Recovery Project is in negotiation with the University and there is a ninety <br /> day time frame to come up with an agreement. The sooner the gas capture agreement <br /> is in place, the sooner a system can be established and the sooner the odor problem <br /> can be solved as a gas capture system puts a negative pressure on the gas sucking it <br /> down into the pipes instead of venting to the atmosphere . <br /> 9 <br />
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