SWAB minutes 020708
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 020708
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Last modified
1/14/2019 4:29:24 PM
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1/14/2019 4:08:46 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> February 7, 2008 <br /> Approved April 3, 2008 <br /> cardboard . One item we do think the ban would be effective for is residential <br /> is it would still have to be cut down . <br /> corrugated cardboard . The downside <br /> Sassaman asks is there are any other ways to pick up the cardboard without having to <br /> cut it. <br /> Pollock replies no . <br /> Tipton asks what about running a separate truck . <br /> Pollock replies then it becomes how much energy do you put into recycling for the <br /> environmental benefits ? <br /> Norwood asks isn' t it shredded . Could the truck have a shredder on it? <br /> Pollock replies it' s pulped . <br /> Norwood asks is there a shredder a homeowner could buy . <br /> Pollock replies not for corrugated cardboard . <br /> Grunwald asks if having a negative ban complemented with a positive reward for <br /> cooperation been considered . If they have to pay extra for doing curbside, could they <br /> get credit for their recycling at the convenience centers and it all come out in the wash <br /> in taxes ? <br /> Pollock asks how would you do that. <br /> Grunwald replies a punch card . Each person has a unique punch card . <br /> Pollock states that Gaston County uses a punch card when you bring your waste in . <br /> You pay for a punch card so that when you bring in your recycling you are exempted <br /> from getting your card punched . <br /> Grunwald states that the big problem is like a double whammy to say we are going to <br /> pass laws that are going to confine you even more and now we are going to charge <br /> you for supporting these laws . A ban is a law . <br /> Pollock describes the other options including recycling at dropoff sites of rigid plastics <br /> id plastics . The need is to have a baler that <br /> like large buckets, toys and other bulky rig <br /> can make a dense enough bale to make weight on a truck . Our baler does not. <br /> Everything we will want to do has a cost. The combination of some measures to save <br /> landfill space and the time to implement them could just about bridge the time gap <br /> 6 <br />
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