SWAB minutes 020708
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 020708
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Last modified
1/14/2019 4:29:24 PM
Creation date
1/14/2019 4:08:46 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> February 7, 2008 <br /> Approved April 3, 2008 <br /> Norwood asks about the cost of a pellet stove [to burn their product. ] <br /> Hanks replies $1 , 500 to $2, 000 . <br /> The discussion shifts to biodeisel . Mention was made of the Town of Chapel Hill <br /> using biodiesel in their buses, but they do not. They use low sulfur diesel fuel . <br /> Vickers asks if you plan to set up as a competition with Piedmont with the biodiesel <br /> or expanding their operation. <br /> ter Horst states that we have talked for a while on different scenarios of whether we <br /> would hire them as a consultant or consider a franchise but we plan on working with <br /> them . <br /> Vickers asks with the landfill gas what do you plan to do, convert that to biodiesel or <br /> forming pellets or it' s a combined mixture of whatever energy resources can be used <br /> together . <br /> ter Horst states that we would like to use electricity to run pumps and heat to dry the <br /> biomass to compact to make the pellets . The heat would heat the vegetable oil to <br /> accelerate the biodiesel reaction. If there is more heat, we can recover more methanol <br /> from the biodiesel making process . <br /> Norwood states that you guys said you want to be educated -- forget Eubanks Rd . <br /> idered the competition for resources that you are <br /> Grunwald asks if you have cons <br /> going to be trying to purchase . Have you tried to buy sawdust in Orange County? <br /> Hanks states that we have found several wood companies that have people come up <br /> it in their trucks . They give it away .and dump <br /> Grunwald notes that they' re not in the loop with the horse barns . <br /> Pollock notes there is a lot of interest in capturing carbon credits and reducing the <br /> county' s carbon footprint among governments in Orange County and the University, <br /> but what if there is no way to get a facility to work on Eubanks Road, where would <br /> you do this . <br /> Vickers notes that the County has given up on siting a landfill and has a hard time <br /> siting anything to do with waste . <br /> 4 <br />
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