SWAB minutes 120607
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 120607
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Last modified
1/14/2019 4:29:11 PM
Creation date
1/14/2019 4:02:46 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> December 6, 2007 <br /> Approved February 7, 2008 <br /> medium term (one to five years) it looked fairly attractive to ship out recyclable <br /> materials . This will tell us what will happen in the market place and we can work <br /> that out on a smaller scale before we expand our programs . <br /> Sassaman asks to be refreshed on what you are talking about in infrastructure and <br /> outlay in terms of money and effort. <br /> Pollock re-presents the work of the consultant and makes a preliminary drawing of <br /> the coverall area, slightly expanded area . We can reduce truck trips now conducted in <br /> 40 cubic yard containers by two- and-a-half times into 110-yard trailers . We lose some <br /> revenue from not selling source separated baled materials against the savings in labor <br /> and truck time from more efficient loading and transport in our existing building . We <br /> would build nothing new except a concrete wall inside the existing operations area . <br /> Vickers states that at the work group meeting it was reported that there would be a <br /> net savings of $254, 000 + and would loose $154, 000 so a net about $100, 000 is that still <br /> a pretty decent projection? <br /> Pollock states that we feel pretty confident about the numbers . When you project <br /> what kind of savings and losses you ' ll have do it based on current operations . There <br /> may be greater revenue from mixed cans and bottles . The fuel savings may increase <br /> as fuel prices rise and the labor savings are likely to be put back into new programs . <br /> Tipton notes that commingling may induce more recycling and ease of process . <br /> Kuhlman asks now that you will be making it so that the recycling will be shipped in <br /> larger trucks which will be coming out to Eubanks Rd . , what are the plans for <br /> accommodating the trucks that are coming out from the north side? <br /> Wilson replies that they are talking about one a day . There won' t be any changes for <br /> that. <br /> Spire states that there will be less traffic on the road because instead of having a lot of <br /> small trucks on the road there will only be one big truck. <br /> Campbell asks where does the University fit in with your mandatory recycling. <br /> Where do they fit in in the scheme of reducing a large volume of waste through <br /> recycling? <br /> Wilson replies that the University has its own comprehensive recycling program and <br /> does an excellent job of recycling. It delivers its waste to the Orange County landfill <br /> and subjects it to the same mandatory recycling enforcement as everyone else . They <br /> also have a fairly significant oversight of their construction projects and construction <br /> 9 <br />
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