Orange County NC Website
Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> December 6, 2007 <br /> Approved February 7, 2008 <br /> Bowerman states that this was big years ago, there was a time when there was a big <br /> push to tell people not to take so much packaging into your house . Maybe we push <br /> that again. Another thought is trash compacting. The last thing is books, where do <br /> they go . <br /> Taylor states that paperback books can be put in with mixed paper . Hardback books <br /> need to have the binders and covers torn off and then recycled with mixed paper . The <br /> covers are trash . <br /> Wilson states that the use of compactors does not in the end produce a lot of <br /> compaction more than we do at the landfill . We can focus again on source reduction . <br /> Sassaman states that I agree with Remus that we should be doing more of what we <br /> are doing. We need to see why is it that some people just don' t recycle . In my new <br /> neighborhood there is no cardboard while in my old neighborhood, there was a lot of <br /> corrugated cardboard at the curb . What is the difference ? Why do we get aluminum <br /> cans at the landfill when everyone knows cans are recyclable ? <br /> Spire states that looking at the trash coming in, there are a lot of small haulers or <br /> private people that bring in huge bags of aluminum cans or bottles and throw them in <br /> the dumpster . From little communities, not really trailer parks . That is a stream of <br /> people there that is not being reached through education. We try to get them pulled <br /> out [at the convenience centers] but you mostly have to be there to get it. It' s <br /> everybody' s . It' s all through the trucks . <br /> Tipton asks if there are any specific large generators that you' re seeing . a furniture <br /> manufacturer, a mattress manufacturer ? I 'm for holding the municipalities to the <br /> same standard as the commercial for cardboard but making cardboard recyclable at <br /> the curb, I' m all for the commingled for the restaurants and businesses and adding <br /> more food waste to the programs . Make it easier, but if there is an industry in the <br /> county that has a waste stream that someone could go in and do a waste assessment <br /> and then divert that waste stream. <br /> Spire states that that is done using our regulated recycle materials ordinance . <br /> Wilson says that one response to enforcement is that haulers do decide to go <br /> elsewhere . We do identify repeat offenders and follow them back. There are other <br /> problems, for example that for a rolloff from a retail store that is filled with <br /> construction waste like a Lowes or Home Depot, the contents must go in a lined <br /> landfill regardless of contents . <br /> Howard states that I don ' t speak for the Town of Chapel Hill . The Town Council is <br /> committed to a PAYT option. Residential trash in Chapel Hill has dropped 5 . 6 % in <br /> 6 <br />