Orange County NC Website
Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> December 6, 2007 <br /> Approved February 7, 2008 <br /> Another component is as we ' ve done in the past with corrugated cardboard, wood <br /> and scrap metal, do we ban materials from coming into the landfill and set up an <br /> enforcement structure with penalties and additional scrutiny of the waste stream? We <br /> don t set up a ban without an economically viable market. The final leg of this, which <br /> remains unexplored, is do you provide more economic incentives to people to do the <br /> right thing other than just tipping fees ? Do you reward recycling? <br /> With that we ' ll open up the floor to you all for the kind of things you want to see <br /> added to programs or ways you think we might gain more landfill life . <br /> Wilson notes we don' t want to short circuit the planning process but there is urgency <br /> for saving landfill space . <br /> Nelson states that there isn' t much to add to what Gayle and Blair said . I ' ve always <br /> been a big proponent of getting whatever we can out of the waste stream. I have <br /> noticed that at Carr Mill mall or any other mall there is nowhere to recycle bottles or <br /> cans so the only thing to do with it is throw it away . I am not going to walk around <br /> with my Coke can all day . So there seems to be some opportunities or low-hanging <br /> fruit. <br /> Norwood states that at the Eubanks Road site, I ' ve heard on several occasions, people <br /> wanting a shredder for their sensitive documents . I wonder if there is a market for <br /> that. We would recover more mixed paper if there was one at one of the locations <br /> where you could come to shred your stuff. <br /> Wilson states that there hasn ' t been a consideration of a shredder at the convenience <br /> center . A more industrial type shredder would have some safety precautions . We <br /> have looked at assuming shredding responsibility for our government offices such as <br /> finance, personnel or social services . Most of all that paper gets shredded anyway . <br /> We have always had the conflict of when people bring things in at a drop- off site or <br /> convenience center [their] feeling confident when they put their stuff in there <br /> someone is not going to climb in and start riffling through it. <br /> Sassaman states that one approach to this would be to have some commercial entity <br /> that would be willing to come in once a month for that. <br /> Wilson states that that is a good idea. We can discuss that in the work group process <br /> and check with our consultant to see if other places have done that and how they ' ve <br /> gone about it. <br /> Norwood asks if there is a baler on-site . What do you bale aside from cardboard ? <br /> 3 <br />