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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> December 6, 2007 <br /> Approved February 7, 2008 <br /> waste that they generate . They also enforce the County ' s Regulated Recycle Material <br /> Ordinance on the contractors' projects as well . <br /> Tipton states that there is a 48 % recycling rate at UNC right now . <br /> Campbell asks how it is scrutinized especially with closed containers . I have pictures <br /> of containers at the University that have tires and furniture in them . It happens at the <br /> beginning and end of the semester . Is there someone that observes these containers <br /> when they come into the landfill to make sure the furniture is pulled out? <br /> Tipton states that at student move in and move out we place special containers that <br /> we staff especially for student moving . The landfill has two landfills — one for <br /> municipal solid waste and the other for construction and demolition waste . We get in <br /> the containers and when we see tires we pull them out. If you have site that you <br /> know of call my office and we will take care of it. Broken furniture is to be disposed <br /> of, so some containers may have furniture in them . <br /> 6 . Waste Transfer Station Siting Process Wilson states that the BOCC are in the process <br /> of interviewing firms / consultants to conduct a siting process . They will in the next <br /> few days make a decision and hopefully within a few days after that they can meet <br /> with the consultant and discuss what kind of process they are going to follow and <br /> start talking about what the various siting criteria might be . It will be after the first of <br /> the year before the siting process gets underway . The Board has stated that they <br /> would like the process to be completed in no more than a year . They have also clearly <br /> stated that there will be ample opportunity for public input and observation of the <br /> process . There will not be a citizens committee . The Board will personally oversee <br /> the process . The details of the process and the criteria have not been discussed and <br /> can' t be until the consultants are on board . <br /> Tipton asks who will chair the search . <br /> Wilson replies the chair of the County Commissioners, who is Barry Jacobs . <br /> Carver asks why would it take a year . In the past whether it' s been landfill searches <br /> or transfer station site searches, it' s been pretty secretive in that the community does <br /> not know what sites are under consideration. <br /> Wilson states that it takes a year because it is a fairly complicated process if you do it <br /> in a systematic way . There are a number of criteria . You have to look over the entire <br /> geographic area of the county . There are various screening schemes you go through <br /> based on criteria . I cari t imagine a systematic county-wide search in three to four <br /> months . You periodically come back to the committee to show them the process so <br /> 10 <br />