SWAB minutes 080207
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 080207
Entry Properties
Last modified
1/14/2019 4:28:47 PM
Creation date
1/14/2019 4:01:44 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> August 2, 2007 <br /> Approved September 6, 2007 <br /> appraisal of this property and based on that and the asking price consider purchasing <br /> the property as a buffer only . I would like to buy not only that but adjoining <br /> properties just for buffer . It could eventually be used for some other County uses . <br /> Norwood states that I would like to recommend you purchase that property that is a <br /> strip of land northwest of the intersection of Eubanks Rd . and the railroad tracks . We <br /> need to purchase that, I' ve heard you say, because of the topography if the old landfill <br /> messes up, it [any landfill leakage] will end there . <br /> Wilson states I have noted that but that the property is out of my price range . But I <br /> do hope to purchase part of it for a sewer easement for the leachate sewer so we can <br /> finish that after four years . That is also going to provide sewer for the animal shelter <br /> and ultimately for the transfer station sewer too, but not the solid waste operations <br /> center . On this other property for a buffer, you could support or oppose the pursuit <br /> o <br /> of that property for a buffer or do nothing, but I did feel obligated to bring it up . <br /> Norwood asks if that acreage is big enough for the convenience center ? <br /> Wilson notes that it' s not the right shape or big enough to do something on. <br /> Norwood states that it' s not clear how the neighborhood would take that purchase <br /> anyway but there may need to be more fire service out there, so perhaps this is a site <br /> in the future for that. <br /> Vickers states that buffers don t hurt you so we should consider increasing buffers <br /> and moves that the SWAB advises the Solid Waste Department that it endorses the <br /> concept of increasing the buffers along the roadway of Eubanks Rd . to the west of the <br /> construction debris landfill and purchases that would increase the buffers . <br /> No second . Motion dies . <br /> 5 . Solid Waste Management Plan Work Group Process Pollock states that the work <br /> group met in June to discuss the dropoff sites and the rural solid waste collection <br /> services analysis . The rural residential solid waste collection service looked good <br /> economically . There was no action taken on either item . At the next meeting there <br /> will be two big analyses coming forward that relate to the MRF, work that was done <br /> for bids to evaluate whether to go with one of the MRFs in the area or to build our <br /> own MRF . The consultant will come back with the results evaluating the three <br /> bidders and the haulers and the equipment bid . There was one equipment bid that <br /> wi11 be incorporated into the design for building our own MRF . That will help us <br /> compare the building our own MRF with going to an already existing merchant MRF . <br /> 4 <br />
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