Orange County NC Website
113 <br />Jute 30, 1958 meeting coetinued <br />of Saae 'Hate" and shall contain squares opposite the affinative and negative fords, in one of <br />ch squares Cite voter +:ay mahe a cross ('i.) mark. <br />The voters of said area residing in the Car'rboro School District shzll vote at z voting place <br />the 01d School Building in the Toren of Cazrboro, North Carolina, <br />A nett registration of the qualified voter's in said area, as hereinafter described, lies been <br />eyed by the Board of Commissioners of Orange County. The degistrar far the voting precinct trill <br />p his books open Tor Hen registx ation of voters i'rom 9:00 oblock A. D. until sunset on each day, <br />ant Sundays and holidays, for the period begituring on Saturday, the 12th day of July, 1956, and <br />ing on Saturday, the 26th day of July, 19j6, being the secorti Saturday before such election. On <br />h Saturday during such registration period said ktegistrzr vill keep res registration boot: dean at <br />polling olzce established for his precinct, The Hegistrazrdll attend the polling place herein <br />criced on the last Saturday before the election for the purpose of haazing challenges against arq• <br />tF.e registered voters. <br />The County Boar3 0!" Commissioners hereby anpoin`s tlrs. idl7ian G. Hogan to act as Rogistru and <br />'Bruce Riggsbee and 'iiiley Frzaklin to act as Judges oL Election Spr said Carrboao Precinct. <br />Tne area ',;hick comosises the Cazffioro School District oe Orange County is the area contained <br />rri.tixin the To1lm~ring boundzrie s: <br />BFGZJ@fIliG at a point at tiie intersection of the center line of the county road and 'she center <br />lute of State University Bai l.rray at Eubanks, thence along and r:ith the center line of said railroad <br />in a southerly direction to Lain Street in the tmm of Carrboro; thence south 4 dog. 21 mfr,. Fast <br />along the eastern boundary o' the property of the Caz~rboro !?colen 'tills to the to;m knit; thence <br />with to;m knit in a rte sterly direction to the bac'~: oronerty line of the property on the east side <br />of County Hight;ay ;+558; thence in a southerly direct+_on folio:ring ti:e back oS the property lines an the <br />left side (east) oL County HighWaY 8556 to the Chatham County line; thence in a Westerly direction <br />along the Chatham County line to the intersection of said county line cith the tova-shin line <br />bet'rreen Hingham and Cheoel Hill To;mshi os; thence duo petit along said to'rmshin line c: erring the <br />Jones Retry Boad 1.25 miles northeasterly ?rem its intersection with the Orange and Chathan County <br />ltne; crossing Antioch Boed at its inter section vrlth U. C, secondary road ,.'5163, crossing 0. C. <br />Highrra,•it54 just ;rest of Cates Store, cx os sing iJ. C, secondary road ir$Fi at Eethel Ckurch, a total <br />distance of 39,177 feet to the intersection of IJ. 0, secondary road //512 t; the vaved road thzt <br />leads trap Dodson's Crossx^oads southeasterly io Calvander (k:. C, secondary road j{Sll); thence along <br />and with the center of said i7, C, secondary x'oad ;1512 in a northeasterly direction 1,564 feet io a <br />point in the center of said road; thence south 72 deg, 30 min. oast 4,3tl2 feet to a point in the <br />center of the east side of loon road,, said point being 3,696 feet north of the first intersection <br />north of ilevllle's Store; thence south d0 deg. 45 pin. east 4,752 feet io a point in the center <br />of the old ii, C, hSghxray ir6o, said point 'oeing 2,640 feet north of the first intersection pox th oS <br />Calvander; thence south 74 deg. 00 min.. east 8,190 feet to the center of University Hai?r~oad at its <br />intersection »-itC ti+.e center line of the county ro!d thzt leads from Eubanks -aestrrardly to old <br />H. c. F(igh;vaY i{66. <br />All beazings referred to true meridian as calculated iron scaled values and distances computed <br />tram scaled values from Nortk Car ollna State Higin'ray and Public Siorls Coemis slop i:ian of Orane as <br />revised June 30, 1957, 'oy Bnbert A, Jones, Bsgistered Surveyor, <br />After canvass by the 9ozxd of County Ccmnissioners of the results of said e1_cti on when the <br />returns have keen filed with them Uy the officers holding the election, and if said election shall be <br />carried by a majority of the votes cast in said election, then and in such event the Chanel Hi11 <br />City Aoniinistrative Unit vrill be enlarged as of July 1, 1959, and there shalltkereafter be levied in <br />such area so consolidated 'with the City Administrative Unit the sae:e school ta;:es as shall be levied <br />in the other nortione of the City Administrative Unit.. <br />By order oL the Board of Coamdssiorers of the County oi' Orange, North Carolina, <br />Dated June 30, 1956, <br />/s/ Bct'vry Suna'Hayes <br />Clerk, Boax1 of Commissioners <br />of Orange County, N, C, <br />COmmissiener 2lcDade, seconded the umtion to adapt said resolution. ;Stet discussion the said <br />resolution rr-=s put to a vote, and rtes unanimously adopted. A11 mecivers of the Board present voted i¢ <br />the alioption thereof. <br />After a general budget discussion this meeting eras uljourned to meet again on lLednesday, <br />July 2, 1958, at 6 o'clacic n.m. <br />/s/ it, J, :f, 5obb5 <br />Chairman <br />S, 'w, Gattis <br />Actlne Clerk <br />:!irutns of the Board of County Commissioners <br />July 2, 1956 <br />The Orange Cow:ty Board of Comanis aior~rs n:at in spacial session on }ednesda,}•, July 2, 1958, <br />6 o'clock e.m. in the Courtroart at t:'.c Caurthovse in iiili sbor o, fi, C. <br />