<br />Jun_ 30, 1958 meeting continued
<br />:Ui50LUTI01! Os ihD; EOhl?D OF C~YIISSIO!1rSiiS OF Ohhi1GE COUSJTY, RGH1'ti CkHOLifJA, OEDEBIi7G AID CiSL_TiIG h
<br />SPECLIL ;•tmTIOPI Iii 1'ric C.1.RrLt'ORD PUBLIC SCiCOi DLSTiLTC'T TO DEi'aE'WIidE '';(i>:,TnEI? OH 1;OT Se13D DISTitICT
<br />SIiALL E'r,CO`„E A P.M1HT OF ifG C6iP::L F~L CITY ;~DiSiPILS'1'B,iZSfE IJitil.
<br />Co-med osioner 1'ialker moved that the fpllo::ing resolution be adopted:
<br />YIn's1REAS, the Chapel Nill City Hoard of Education and the Orange County Hoard of Dducation by
<br />resolution dated June 25, 1958, have Roque sted and petitioned the Hoard of Conmissioners of Orange
<br />County, i9ortit Carolina, to 0.1.1 an eloction in the area comprising the Curboro School District to
<br />detenmine the rril7. of the people on the issue oT trhather or not this district shall becotae a part
<br />of the Chapel Hi11 City Ldlsi ntstrative Unit.
<br />A'fJ 7i ~i?c,1H, it appears fr an said resolution and petition that a loge number of citieens of
<br />the area comnrisin:~ said district have petitioned and urged the County Board of Education to take
<br />acting requesting an election in said district to deterndne the rd11 of the people on rho question
<br />of whether or not this district shall become a tart of the Chanel Hi11 City L.dministrative Unit.
<br />AhD tiINE!C:AS, it £urthar appearing twat a various times and places within the last fev; seeks
<br />sweral nuhlic meetings have been held and a great sang citiaens of said district have met• and
<br />discussed the puestion at isue and large nwnbers of said citicens have e:~r essed the desire than an
<br />election be called to give the oualified voters an opportunity to determine v+hether or not said
<br />district shall 'oecome a pazt of the Chanel hill Aaministrative Unit.
<br />NID CiTCWsAH, it further appearing that the Orange County Board of Education and the Chapel u;is
<br />City Bond of uiucation, in cemeliance trith Ilorth Caroline G.S. ll5-122.2, enacted as Section 8,
<br />Chanter 1271, Session iarrs of 1957, have agreed With each other as co the school property to be
<br />corrreyed and transferred to the Board w: Education o' the Chanel Hill City Admittistrative Unit, is" a
<br />maJority of the voters voting in the election vote in favor of enlargement oT the Chanel Hill City
<br />Actranistrative Unit to include the Cazrboro Schaal District: fiG'i(, TnT:Fu~'OiiE,
<br />EE IT I?EBOLFID try the Hoard of Co:naissioners of Orange County, as Tollors:
<br />1. That a special election shall be held on Tuesdoy, August 5, 1958, in the azea described in
<br />Site notice oT special election hereinafter set forth, ;:hich area constitutes the Cazrboro School
<br />Di strict of Orange Counbj, for the purpose of sulaitting to the oualified voters in said azea the
<br />iallo~ring ouestion:
<br />(1) Sha11 the Chapel !i;tt City ddministrative Unit be crilar'ged to include
<br />the Caziuoro School District of Orange County and school tar, of the
<br />sa;,e rate as levied in other portions of Chapel Hi11 City ,ldnenistrativa
<br />Unit be levied in the azea consolidated with said City Administrative
<br />Unit?
<br />Sid election shag be held pursuant to and in accordance 'rdth t7te pertinent nx wisi ons of
<br />er 115, Subchapter 9, oi' the General Statutes of north Cuolina and the law governing general
<br />2. Said election shall be held at a polling place at the Old Ecnool Building in the Tman of
<br />Coro in fire Car rboro School District, v=.d file Dolls for said election shit 1. oven at the hour of
<br />o'clock A. L4 Eastern St. ndard TLve, and shall close at. the hour of 6:30 o'c1oNc P. i.!. Pastern
<br />.ard Time. The Bo, ±3 of Coctdsstoners iterelry- or3ers a Herr roh-+stration of the qualified
<br />s o; said area, as hexeinaacr described, comprising the szid Cazrboro School District.
<br />3. the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of the County of Orange is hereby requested and
<br />ed to provide a polling place at the Old School Euilding in the Torn of Carrboro in the Carrboro
<br />~1 District, and to provide i'or a Hegistra* to register voters 1'or said electlrnt in said
<br />ict and Judges oT ELection to conduct said election, and to prepare the necessary ballots for
<br />.. at s`d election.
<br />L. the Clerk of the Eoard of Conenissioners is hereby authorized and directed to publish notice
<br />said special election in ^the ilerrs of Orange County and rho Chapel hill alerts Leader, nartspanerp
<br />fished in Ora.ge County, north Carolina, and 'paving general circulation in the area referred to in
<br />c resolution, ai least thirty (30) d~vs before tine data hereinabove heed for said election an3
<br />reafter trace before the electdon at intezva3s of ai least one reek betx;een pu6licetions, such
<br />ice to be substartiially in tho following fox m:
<br />ht~o ;,!3r ;bTiSTRA^_IOld
<br />in the
<br />~ Cf.&7EOB0 SCi:00L DIS ii?ICT
<br />' Orange County, north Carona
<br />A. special election ri11 be held on Tuesday, august 5, 1958, betrmen the hours of 6:30 M !:. and
<br />P. ?i., Eastern. Standard Time, in the azea sherei r=iter described, rhich area constitutes the
<br />pro School District of Orange County, for Cna purpose pi suUaitting io the pualified voters
<br />ing in said a: ea the following cuastion:
<br />Shall the Chapel Hi17. City p:dci.nistrabive Unit be enlarged to include the Cazrboro
<br />School District of Orange County and school taz; of Che sa¢e rate as levied in other
<br />portipns of Chapel i^l City Administrative Unit be Wwied in the uea consolidated
<br />'.:ith said City Adminiutrative Unit?
<br />Each b~~loi nr ovided for the use of voters in voting on are above puestion in said special
<br />tion shall tear the -~:ords "8012 Enlugemeni of the Chapel Pill City 1&ninistz ative Unii a~tu School
<br />of the Same Tate" and "dGAi;!ET Lhtu~ger..aet of Chapel pill City Adndrtistsavite Unit and School
<br />