Orange County NC Website
111. <br />June 30, 1956, meeting continued <br />9 <br />then by the County until such time as the newle of the Csrboro Attendance sea have the opporunity <br />to elect a representztive to the school board. <br />V <br />Provided further that the cost of said election shall ba undenn-ltten by private subscription <br />and the Chanel Hill School Hoard be reimbursed for the cost of said election. <br />This petition is fon'rarded by the Chairman and Secretary of the Curboro School Crnmm.ttee upon <br />the unanimous adoption by the said School Cormittee, <br />This the 18th day of June, 1958. <br />/s/ John ~, Haztin, Jr, <br />Secretary, of the Carrbwo <br />School Committee <br />/s/ C. tif, Davis. <br />Heczetazy, Chaucl Hill City <br />Hoard oT i~ilucation <br />/s/ G, P, Carr <br />Secretary, Orange County Hoazd <br />of Pducation <br />June 20, 1958 <br />/s/ Lloyd D. Senter <br />Chairman, of the Cazrboro <br />School Comvittee <br />/s/ (S-ey Culm~eth <br />Chairman, Chapel Hi17. City <br />Hoard of Education <br />/s/ C. TL Stanford <br />Chairman, Orange Covnty <br />Hoard of Education <br />Hillsboro, t7. G, <br />June 25> 195d <br />HESOLUTIOIV RTM..IUi.STfG TnE HOiJtll Or COi:LISHIOir~RS OP OHAiOE COUI;IR TO CALL Ai! ELECTIOi7 IH ?HE CARLwOHO <br />DISTRICT lb DETEE:'.I1P~ {'hG1?iEH OR ":OT Tir'IS DISTRICT BIihLL BECCiSE A PAHl o? TIw CHAPEL hZLL CITf <br />AD::IIdIBIiL`.iN3 UNIT <br />BE IT RESOLVP7: <br />Section I, mhzt the Eosd oT Ca^mdssioners of Orange County call an election in the Cazrboro <br />District to deteraine the vdll of the people on the issue of ~rhether or not this district shall <br />become a pst of the Chanel kill City gdministrativc Unit. <br />Section II, That the district in which the election shall be held shall be composed of the <br />following sea: <br />Beginning at a point at the intersection oT the center line of the county road and the center <br />line of St.ata University Railway at Eubanks, thence along and with the center line of said railroad <br />in a southerly direction to Limn Street in the to:m of Carrboro; thence south 4+` 2ll east along <br />the eastern 'oow+dary aT the property of the Csrbaro tioolen iiills to the teen rmc t; thence frith <br />trnm limit. in a vresterly direction to the bade nr ooerty line of the or ooerty on the east side of <br />County ilighcray #558• thence in a southerly direction follovdng the bad< of the prooezty lines on <br />the left side (east) oT County Iv.ghrray 11558 to the Chatham County line; thence in a westerly <br />direction along the Chatham County line to the intersection of said county line utith the ta;•mshio <br />line between Bingham and Chaucl Hill Tormships; thence due north .long said to;mship line crossing <br />the Jones Ferry Road 1.25 miles northeasterly Trom its intez section vdth the Or.-nge and Chatham <br />County line; crossing Antioch Boad as its intersection t:dtit il. C. secondly road x5163, crossing <br />;,, C, H.igh~:ay 1.54 just crest of Hates Store, crossing id. C, secondly road if56 at Eethel Church, a <br />total distance of 39,177 feet to the intersection of iv, C, seconda+y road 1512 rn_th the paved road <br />that leads Trom Hodson+s Crossroads southeasterly to -0alvarder (th C, secondzry zoad $511), thence <br />along and zith the center o: said ',L 0. secondazy road 8512 in a northeasterly direction 1,584 <br />feet to a point ir. the center oT said rozdp thence south 72'r 30r east 4,382 feet to a point in the <br />center of the east side oT loop road, said point being 3>696 feet north of the first intersection <br />north of :leville+s Store; thence south HOa 45' east 4,752 feet to a point in the center of the old <br />27, C. highi:ay $86, said point being 2,540 Sect north of the first intersection north of Calvander; <br />tv==nee south 74+~ 00+ east 8,190 feet. to the center of University Railroad at its intersection with <br />the center line of the county road that loads Tram Llzbznks vrestrrard.!y to old H, C, Highway 1186. <br />All bearings referred to true meridian as calculated frem scaled values and distances <br />computed 1'x on scaled vz?ues free, iforth Cax ollna State Highway and Public lYOrlas Commission Liap of <br />Orange County as revised June 30, 1957, by Bnbert ,1. Jones, F.egistered Surveyor. <br />fiction ZII, Thzt Si a aajority of Shore vrho shall vote in b'ne area described in Section II <br />shall vote in favor oT the enlazgement oT the Chanel Hi11 City Unit by such area, that azea shall <br />be consolidated with the Chapel Hill City Administrative Uai t, effective July 1, 1959, and theze <br />shall thereafter be levied in such area so cwsol.idated the same school tae as shall be levied in the <br />Chaoel Hill City Administrative Unit. <br />Signed: <br />Orange County Board of Education <br />/s/ 0.h. Stanford, Chairman <br />/s/ C. D. Jones <br />/s/ J. E, Earrkins <br />/s/ G. P, Carr, Secretary <br />Endorsed and Approved: <br />Chapel Hill City Bosd of Hlucation <br />/s/ Grey Culbreth, Chairman <br />/s/ J. Kemnton Jones <br />/s/ R. E. J.mnez son <br />/s/ Charles F. !rimer <br />/s/ C, 'i7. Da-/is, Secretary <br />€',.... <br />