SWAB minutes 050307
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Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 050307
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1/14/2019 4:28:29 PM
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Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> May 3, 2007 <br /> Approved June 7, 2007 <br /> Sassaman states that the money wasn' t there to put it elsewhere . <br /> Norwood states that there appears to be misconception. The LOG was first to say " we <br /> are doing it to you again, we ' ll compensate " . We went through traffic signs and <br /> beautification and things the neighborhood wanted . We got some . The fact the <br /> neighborhood is still a trash dump and what they are talking about cleaning up , that <br /> needs to come from within the neighborhood . They can ' t expect the county to keep <br /> stepping in because the dump is around the corner . The misconception is if they keep <br /> beating the horse all the garbage, old cars, old mobile homes will be cleaned up and <br /> everyone will have green grass in their front yard . When there is talk about <br /> beautification, I hear people wanting to have all the junk that has piled up hauled <br /> away at no expense to them without realizing that there are ways to do that now . If <br /> we have any role it would be to have a metal day or a one time clean up day . <br /> Pollock states that that is something that we could help people do as we have the <br /> labor and equipment to do it. There could be a metal day or a brush day . Doing It <br /> that way would be cheaper and better, metal has value and brush has potential value <br /> because it can be used for mulch . <br /> Sassaman states that things that I ' ve heard about are all basic municipal services . One <br /> of the other issues that keep coming up is traffic and the capacity of the road . Other <br /> than recommending I don ' t know that there is much the SWAB should say about the <br /> road . Who is going to complain about a new school in their neighborhood ? <br /> Vickers asks what is the conclusion for this item . <br /> Sassaman states that Blair is only alerting us . There is nothing to react to . <br /> Scavenging of Recyclables by Public Pollock states that now that the price of aluminum <br /> is up there has been more scavenging . At some point we may want to discuss <br /> whether scavenging is OK or if there should be a series of town ordinances that <br /> address issues stating who owns the recyclables or update a county-wide ordinance <br /> which clarifies scavenging . <br /> Other None <br /> 7. Other Business None <br /> Smith moves to adjourn <br /> Norwood 2nd . <br /> Adjourn : 9 * 10 pm <br /> Next meeting : June 7, 2008 <br /> Chapel Hill Library <br /> 10 <br />
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