Orange County NC Website
Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> April 5, 2007 <br /> Approved May 3, 2007 <br /> Wilson notes it will be opposite the existing convenience site . There will be a new <br /> entrance . The new entrance to the transfer station will parallel that. This will be part <br /> of a new master plan that is to go to the board and you' ll want to see that first. <br /> c . Next Steps Wilson states that the next step is to figure out from the resolution what <br /> is in my control to deal with . There will be a meeting next week to get the permitting <br /> and design under way . <br /> Vickers asks where do you stand on the plans . Previously there were conceptual <br /> plans and a schedule . <br /> Wilson states that we will revisit the schedule that was prepared a year-and-a half <br /> ago . We will also revisit the draft scope of work and review the preliminary meeting <br /> with the Town of Chapel Hill as far as what they told us the requirements were and <br /> the timeline . <br /> 5 . Programs/Services Update <br /> SW Operations Center Wilson states that the design hang-ups have been resolved and <br /> the bid package should be ready to go within a couple of weeks . We hope to have the <br /> Board approve a contractor by June . <br /> Highzvay 57 Convenience Center Site Identification Wilson states that we are still looking <br /> for a site . <br /> Walnut Grove Convenience Center Temporary Expansion Wilson states that it is slightly <br /> ahead of schedule and should have it ready by the time Hwy 57 closes . <br /> Future SWAB Priorities Wilson states that the solid waste management plan will <br /> probably take up most of your time . You all may have other ideas but some other <br /> things are trying to expand the landfill buffers and the master plan . <br /> Other Wilson states at the BOCC meeting on the 12th we are going to be talking about <br /> the landfill gas project and recommend that they abandon the notion of landfill gas <br /> providing energy to the cluster of government buildings in the Eubanks Rd areas . <br /> They are going to recommend continuing pursuit of the option of providing energy <br /> for part of Carolina North . <br /> 6 . Other Business Sassaman states that the one thing that we proposed to bring to other <br /> business was Mike Nelson' s request that we begin to deal with the issue of preserving <br /> space in the landfill . What I would like to do is pass this to Gayle and let us start <br /> discussing this at the next meeting. <br /> 9 <br />