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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> March 8, 2007 <br /> Approved April 5, 2007 <br /> whole thing . Hopefully the BOCC will take that into consideration and that they <br /> don ' t have enough information looking forward . <br /> Cook states that Eubanks Rd . has no paved shoulder and having worked on another <br /> road improvement project, I know how slowly NCDOT works to make <br /> improvements . Here is a road that has residential, future residential with Chapel Hill <br /> Watch complex, the Habitat homes coming in, there is a sidewalk and bike lane along <br /> Millhouse Rd . How do you connect up those side walks, those bike lanes to Eubanks <br /> Rd . which is already dangerous for bikers and pedestrians even without putting <br /> additional garbage trucks and eighteen wheelers . When do we expect NCDOT to <br /> make those improvements ? <br /> Wilson replies I ' m not sure . In fact I ' m surprised the neighborhoods are so interested <br /> in the transfer station but there has been no outcry about the most significant impact <br /> in that area in years which is the new public works facility and bus garage . <br /> Kingman states that I would like to make one observations so far I have not seen the <br /> public works trucks drive over the speed limit and they are very careful . The garbage <br /> trucks are often speeding and that' s a part of the fear . <br /> Cook asks are you going to bring up the road issue because obviously these trucks are <br /> going to need a more substantial road . <br /> Wilson states that we will go through the planning process with the Town of Chapel <br /> Hill . DOT will have a role in approving what we construct there . <br /> Bowerman states that for the Eubanks site we are limited to two bays . For the 70 sites <br /> does it look like you would be able to enlarge that? <br /> Wilson states that there has been no engineering study but they should have room for <br /> expansion. <br /> 4 . Landfill Neighborhood Mitigation Issues Wilson states that there is a Rogers Rd . <br /> area tasks force that will be talking about a lot of neighborhood issues such as traffic, <br /> utilities, sidewalks, etc . for many of the concerns of the citizens in the Rogers Rd . area . <br /> That will be an avenue to deal with those in a substantive way . There are some issues <br /> that relate to the landfill and / or transfer station . Many of those can be dealt with . <br /> The most significant issue that exists now is the odor from the landfill . When the <br /> landfill is capped that will be reduced by almost 100 percent. We are working on <br /> some of the mechanism to deal with the odors until then. If a transfer station goes <br /> there the odor will be virtually nonexistent. <br /> Cook asks if the garbage trucks are open on the top . <br /> 7 <br />