Orange County NC Website
Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> March 8 , 2007 <br /> Approved April 5, 2007 <br /> .Wilson states that there are operational implications for the customers . For the large <br /> customers such as the municipalities there will be an additional cost not just for fuel <br /> but acquiring different resources because more time would be sent delivering waste <br /> than collecting . With regard to transfer station operations, if it were placed on <br /> Eubanks Rd . it would be incorporated into the system already there . If it is placed at <br /> any other location there would be a need for at least three more employees and <br /> develop some infrastructure . <br /> Sassaman asks about the implications of transport from Chapel Hill to [Hwy] 70 . <br /> There don' t seem to be many choices . <br /> Wilson states that the direct route would be 86 to 85 near Wal-Mart and go down <br /> [east/ north] to the next exit. That' s about 13 . 5 miles from our landfill . Some of the <br /> companies or municipalities may not want to take the interstate and may decide to <br /> take the rural roads like Mount Sinai and University Station Road . <br /> Sassaman states that that seems like a significant safety hazard along Highway 86 . <br /> Vickers asked about Orange County Sanitation trucks . <br /> Wilson replies that they will be parked at Eubanks Road location when they become <br /> part of the Solid Waste Department. <br /> Bowerman states that (I was just wondering) why at this point a thorough site search <br /> hadn' t happened . None of the sites are great and there is a lot of land out there that <br /> would be better than these . Is there a reason there isn' t a search and a criteria for a <br /> search? We wrote up criteria for a search we didn t do . Someone called and we <br /> looked at that piece of land . <br /> Wilson states that it' s hard to say why the Board hasn t taken another approach . If <br /> they were going to do an exhaustive process based site search that would be a year ' s <br /> process. <br /> Smith states that one reason may be zoning . Orange County has very little zoned <br /> industrial property . <br /> Tipton asks if the transfer station were located somewhere else other than Eubanks <br /> Rd . , would the other operations move - C &D landfill, recycling operations . <br /> Wilson replies no, that has not been discussed . The C &D landfill was just opened last <br /> year . We will be there whether the transfer station is or not. <br /> 4 <br />