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Minutes <br /> Regular Meeting - Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> November 8 , 2001 <br /> and sort them . We can do the increments but at some point in the next 5 - 7 <br /> percent reduction range, you will hit the choke point . What gets you through <br /> that point will bump the cost up but will also bump the materials you can <br /> then recycle up also . The first way to do it is to price out the plan, then when <br /> we see what the cost is, we can say what if we don' t have a MRF, what can we <br /> do without it, what can we do to get 5 % and then we go through that process . <br /> Sassaman raises the concern about what will happen to remote landfills five <br /> to ten years in the future . <br /> Wilson agrees this is the most difficult thing of all (to predict the future of the <br /> landfill business ) . The system we' re moving to involves significant economic <br /> risk . There is an intellectual understanding of the risk but there is a large <br /> degree of uncertainty . In Virginia, there is surplus landfill capacity now but <br /> the New York waste may fill that up . If you have to send the stuff long <br /> distances, for example to Pennsylvania, the transportation cost dwarfs the <br /> landfill costs . Those counties that have built long term disposal capacity will <br /> be the envy of all counties . Some are even getting back into the business like <br /> Mecklenberg County . But once you' re out of the business, it' s almost <br /> impossible to get back in . <br /> Vickers discusses the analogy of the hazardous waste landfills being replaced <br /> by hazardous waste incinerators . <br /> Tipton ask what needs to happen to move forward . An intensive work <br /> session — charrette might help . <br /> Sassaman states that it was hoped that the consultant would be in a position <br /> to get us started to see the big picture . <br /> Vickers asks are we at the stage for a charette . The solid waste plan has not <br /> been interpreted into what it means financially . <br /> Jacobs states that maybe we could change the way to define 61 It could be <br /> frozen in 2002 . <br /> Pollock states that statutorily the base was set in 1991 -92, we could go back to <br /> the State and pick another base year . <br /> 9 <br />