SWAB minutes 110801
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 110801
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Last modified
1/14/2019 3:46:37 PM
Creation date
1/14/2019 3:36:14 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes <br /> Regular Meeting - Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> November 8 , 2001 <br /> There are certain definitions of farms and the use-tax could help . A large <br /> portion of the county is agriculture but the actual extent of farming is less <br /> than that . Developers are going to try to find a way around every rule they <br /> can . The attorney has to find some way to accommodate the farmers . <br /> Jacobs states that solid waste is the same regardless of the way it is produced . <br /> No one gets that . I would ask the staff to look at other options . Instead of <br /> worrying about how we word the ordinance, we can worry about who we <br /> want to exempt and how to assist them which is a positive way . <br /> Wilson states that there are some ways to deal with this issue . Other issues <br /> mentioned were illegal dumping . That is a law enforcement issue and the <br /> manager and the sheriff will be talking about that . There was sentiment for <br /> exempting from regulation those loads that were dumped illegally {when <br /> someone brings the mixed regulated material to the landfill as part of the <br /> cleanup ) . <br /> There was a speaker advocating a certain type of burning called air curtain <br /> burning . It is a fairly cheap way to get rid of large amounts of trees and <br /> stumps . It is a fairly clean burn, a smokeless operation, burns at extremely <br /> high temperatures, and burns quickly . The ordinance does not recognize that <br /> type of burning or exempt it. <br /> Sassaman ask how that compares in terms of effort and time with grinding . <br /> Wilson states that it' s less expensive and produces small amounts of fine ash . <br /> I don' t know how we are going to approach this issue . <br /> Jacobs states that in speaking with the attorney, we could see as <br /> characterizing that as a different [type of] burning. <br /> Wilson states that in a [Hurricane } Fran situation you may want this type of <br /> burning, but not in a day to day situation. <br /> Wilson further summarized that there were other questions about space on <br /> job sites to do the sorting . We were asked for ways these materials could be <br /> sorted on a small site . The methodology for dealing with that is site-specific . <br /> There were questions about exemptions from storm damage and comments <br /> about the unreasonableness of a 60- day delay to promote deconstruction . <br /> 5 <br />
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