Orange County NC Website
Minutes <br /> Regular Meeting - Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> November 8, 2001 <br /> Wilson states that we do not have any commercial collection of mixed paper . <br /> We could put mixed paper in select apartments or businesses and see how <br /> much mixed paper is shifted . <br /> Smith asks if the new complex across from Timberlyne would be a place to <br /> start . Could this be part of their lease contract? <br /> Pollock states that we are interested in doing a pilot mixed paper program <br /> that is more appealing in an office building because the grade of paper is <br /> better and we might not have to pay . <br /> Wilson states that with a pilot program, the better it works the more difficult <br /> it is, when the program is over, to end the service . <br /> Sassaman asked about the cost on an annual basis to set up something in an <br /> office complex . For example at the new complex at Meadowmont , next to <br /> the Friday Center . Are we talking about $2, 000 per year . Can we talk to <br /> David Kimball at CCB ? <br /> Wilson notes that it is not near any of our routes . Even if they pay, I still have <br /> to pull a truck off a route (and there' s a cost to that) . <br /> Ketchem asks if the Council is expecting an official response from the SWAB . <br /> Should we try to break down what they are asking for, address what we <br /> think is already being done and the ones that aren' t being done and [provide] <br /> some options for doing these ? <br /> Wilson states that staff can prepare a draft memo for you all to look at . What <br /> they are asking for is not unreasonable, it' s that we can provide them the <br /> information that they are seeking by alternate means at no cost . <br /> 4 . Other Business <br /> * Update on Nov . 7 Public Hearing for Regulated Recyclable Material Ordinance <br /> Wilson states that 80 % of the speakers were farmers that were concerned <br /> about prohibiting the burning of land clearing debris as it relates to <br /> agriculture . The attorney had a problem exempting them from the ordinance . <br /> The task is to try and find a way to accommodate agriculture burning of land <br /> clearing debris . Burning land clearing debris is indistinguishable when <br /> burning on a farm versus burning in a development . <br /> 4 <br />