Orange County NC Website
Minutes <br /> Regular Meeting - Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> November 8 , 2001 <br /> Ketchem stated it seems like a duplication of almost everything . <br /> You ' ve already got a mechanism to put the mixed paper in place . <br /> Are there any commercial establishments where you could get them to pay <br /> for it ? CCB has just moved into the new buildings across from the Friday <br /> Center . Could they pay for it? <br /> Jacobs states it would make sense to pick a site on the route for the in-house <br /> program, for example as you' re going from Chapel Hill Town Hall to <br /> Carrboro Town Hall, there could be a stop . <br /> Wilson states that, in the Solid Waste Plan, it is envisioned that there would <br /> be universal commercial collection, which means all business, would get it . <br /> For the commercial sector, it is hard to do expansions . <br /> Sassaman states that some of the businesses have their own mechanisms for <br /> handling stuff . <br /> Tipton states that you' re maxed out but if you look at the request a little <br /> differently, they are asking that your budget be expanded . <br /> Wilson states this is true but we have enough food waste and commercial <br /> glass establishments that we service on a regular basis that the additional <br /> information could be gained from reviewing the data we have already . The <br /> potential for getting information by adding new sites is minimal . <br /> Pollock states that there is another nuance, if the Commissioners give us an <br /> expanded budget there is this political thing . Should the Town of Chapel Hill <br /> be the one that gets it or should it be first-come, first-served ? We have a <br /> waiting list . <br /> Jacobs states that the key point is that they are calling it a pilot program . We <br /> don' t need a pilot program to gather information . The second point is that <br /> there is a waiting list already . <br /> Vickers states that the one issue not addressed is mixed paper . Are you not <br /> doing that now? <br /> 3 <br />