Orange County NC Website
Minutes <br /> Regular Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> August 9 , 2001 <br /> Wilson explains that some clean wood waste has been ground and colored . <br /> There is a small stockpile of two different colors . We have selected the 17 <br /> largest yardwaste customers and offered to give each of them up to 9 cu . <br /> yards of the colored mulch . They in turn will give it to their customers and <br /> supply us with their names so that the department can survey them about the <br /> product . Once the deadline has passed for the 17 customers , mulch will also <br /> be given to the government' s Public Works to give them a chance to try it . <br /> Sassaman ask what colors are available . <br /> Wilson replies red and black . <br /> 4 . Other Business . Barr welcomes James Arndt, the new member who replaces <br /> Michael Babuin . He served earlier on the C & D Task Force . We are also <br /> hoping that at some point the UNC liaison will be approved to become a <br /> formal member . <br /> The 2002 meeting schedule has also been provided . Along with that Barr <br /> recommends that the September meeting be canceled to give the new <br /> committee and staff to put time in that work . <br /> Smith asks if it would be appropriate to elect a new chair in October if you <br /> are canceling the September meeting . <br /> Barr states that this would be correct because it was decided to elect a new <br /> chair each year . <br /> Visser suggest that at least one member of SWAB be present at the September <br /> 11 Commissioners meeting in case they want to hear from someone different <br /> than the staff the mindset of the SWAB . <br /> Barr states he is unsure of his schedule but would plan to be there . Sassaman <br /> also mentions he will try to come . <br /> Smith asks where the meeting will be held . <br /> Visser replies at Government Services Center . <br /> Pollock asks if Visser expects SWAB member to make the presentation . <br /> Visser expects staff to make the presentation and answer questions . <br /> Wilson hands out contact list for updating names, phone numbers, emails . <br /> 5 <br />